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Innovation & Openness

We want to nurture more student entrepreneurs. We aim to develop more academics into founders. We plan to embed innovation and entrepreneurship more into our teaching.

We are not afraid to speak out because we will be listened to. We regularly discuss and review departmental strategy together. We communicate sufficient details about finance to support decision making. We make departmental management and decision making more transparent.


Diversity & Collaboration

We value equality, diversity, and inclusion and want them to permeate everything we do. We strive to increase the diversity of our student and staff population. We aim to improve the diversity of our leadership team.

We work together, in existing teams or in agile groups to provide the best education to our students, to create world-leading and impactful research, to develop and train our staff, and to manage the department in support of its mission.

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We are honest, compliant, and passionate about doing the right thing. We apply the front-page newspaper test when we are unsure about proper behaviour. We declare or resolve any interests or relationships we have that could impair our integrity.



We want to become carbon neutral by 2030. We want to embed sustainability into our research and teaching. We want to contribute to sustainability through innovative research.

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Empathy & Respect

We care about our students and staff and their well-being. We recognize caring actions that support others and our mission. We expect our leaders to be emotionally intelligent.

We respect ourselves, other staff and students, and show this respect in our actions. We value different opinions and encourage open discourse. We can approach our leadership without fear of negative consequences.


Courage & Excellence

We dare to explore new paths in teaching, research, and innovation. We embrace failure of risky projects as an element of lasting success. We encourage research that does not follow the latest fashions.

We offer outstanding education to all student cohorts. We conduct world-leading and impactful research. We design and operate workflows that support our excellence. We nurture and develop leaders in research, education, and innovation.

Find us

Department of Computing
Huxley Building
180 Queen's Gate
South Kensington Campus
Imperial College London
London SW7 2AZ

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