MSc Computing Individual Project

Module aims

The individual project provides the capstone element for the programme. As part of the project process, you will develop a substantial Computing application, bringing together the techniques you have studied through the programme. The project also gives you the opportunity to demonstrate independence and originality, and to research, plan and organise a large project over an extended time period.

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this project you will be able to:
• Conduct independent research
• Produce a technically non-trivial implementation
• Develop and critically evaluate a system that satisfies the requirements of a Computing application area
• Communicate challenges and achievement both orally and in writing
• Produce a technical and scholarly report

Module syllabus

The module is primarily self-study, where you work on an independent investigation with supervisory support.

There will be a small number of supporting lectures that will
1. describe the structure of the project, including expectations, milestones and deliverables,
2. give guidance on writing and presentation skills targeted specifically at individual projects,
3. explain the assessment procedures.

Teaching methods

The idea for the individual project may be a proposal
a.    from a member of staff in the Department of Computing (DoC), possibly in conjunction with industry or another research institute, or
b.    from a member of staff in another Department at IC, possibly in conjunction with industry or another research institute, or
c.    from the student, or
d.    a combination of the above.

The project is supervised by a member of staff in DoC or another department at IC.

All projects, institutions and supervisors will be subject to approval by DoC. All students are guaranteed a project, but it may not be possible to guarantee a project through their preferred route.


All projects are approved, conducted and supervised under standard guidelines developed by the Department of Computing (DoC), and independently assessed against standard criteria by a minimum of two people. All project marks are subject to internal moderation by DoC.

There will be continuous feedback throughout the supervision period and verbal feedback at the midpoint and during the final presentation via Q&A.