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Who We Are

The Healthcare Professional Academic Group (HPAG) represents a community of research excellence in healthcare science Imperial College London (Imperial) and serves as an academic hub in the Faculty of Medicine for clinical academics in the healthcare professions1 from across the Imperial College Academic Health Science Centre (AHSC).2 The HPAG was launched in 2018 with an initial event. Today we have 135 registered members. 

The HPAG provides a multidisciplinary network for a wide range of healthcare professionals1 who work with clinical and health-related research undertaken at Imperial College AHSC. The HPAG supports this research by bringing together a critical mass of clinical academics in the healthcare professions at Imperial College and its affiliated hospitals2. The HPAG aims to inspire more healthcare professionals to undertake research and become clinical academic leaders. 

Non-medical healthcare professionals1 bring a person-centred perspective to multidisciplinary clinical and health services research.  As the largest group of professional staff working in healthcare, we contribute unique insights into the realities of the clinical environment, and can therefore enhance both the implementation of research into practice and practice into research. Our clinical expertise includes symptom management, rehabilitation and recovery, patient-reported outcomes and experiences, and patient safety.  In addition, we contribute knowledge and experience of research approaches that are essential to contemporary health care, including mixed-methods, qualitative, realist, intervention development and evaluation, patient-reported outcome assessment, and implementation science.

HPAG’s mission

  • To inspire, support and increase the number of clinically active healthcare professionals to pursue an academic pathway
  • To grow the number of clinical academic leaders from across the Imperial College AHSC;
  • To increase the amount of cross professional research from different disciplines to strengthen the research impact and effectiveness;
  • To increase the quality and volume of research undertaken by healthcare professionals.

HPAG’s vision

To become an Internationally renowned centre of research excellence and academic leadership in the field of healthcare sciences.

HPAG objectives

To develop the HPAG network and increase the volume of high-quality research led by healthcare professionals at Imperial and its affiliated hospitals through:

  • Research Seminars;
  • Multidisciplinary working within HPAG and with the broader health research community at Imperial;
  • Networking, peer-to-peer support, and mentoring;
  • Identifying support needs for research finances, grants and fellowships;
  • Career advice and support. For AHSC staff in clinical academic training, HPAG works closely with the Imperial Clinical Academic Training Office (CATO).

If you are a healthcare professionalwho is leading research or aspiring to be a clinical academic and are interested in the work of the group, please sign up to become a member of HPAG.

In this context, ‘healthcare professionals’ relates to the non-medical clinical workforce e.g. nurses, allied health professionals, healthcare scientists, midwives, psychologists and pharmacy staff, clinical research practitioners

Imperial College London, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust, Chelsea and Westminster NHS Foundation Trust and Institute of Cancer Research 

Latest News

Congratulations to HPAGs Justin Roe who has been promoted to Professor of Practice in Speech and Swallowing Rehabilitation.


Congratulations to HPAGs Professor Mary Wells and Professor Caroline Alexander, who have been awarded the FoM 25th Anniversary Staff Award Winners for Outstanding Contribution from Honorary Staff and to Professor Mary Morrell who has been awarded the FoM 25th Anniversary Staff Award Winner for Outstanding Leadership in Education. 

Find out more

Activities and Events

Upcoming HPAG Seminars

Next event to be announced. 

HPAG Steering group members