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Ace workshop ingrid operating machine

Caption: Design Engineering technicians working on a circular saw in ACE Workshop

Ace workshop ingrid operating machine

Caption: ACE Workshop, Design Engineering

Ace workshop ingrid operating machine

Caption: Design Engineering technicians operating a metal lathe

Welcome to the ACE Prototyping and Manufacturing Workshop, a dynamic space curated to bolster entrepreneurial prototyping ventures and support the diverse needs of our Design Engineering community. 

Workshop Manager Ingrid Logan
Location 151, Ground Floor, ACE Extension, South Kensington Campus
Contact i.logan@imperial.ac.uk
Explore the facilities available to you in the Design Engineering Ace workshop

ACE Workshop: Crafting Creativity

The ACE workshop workshop, housed in the ACEX building, serves as a hub where students and staff can acquire valuable hands-on skills that enrich their academic pursuits and projects. 

Within ACEX Room 151, you'll find a versatile bench space equipped for assembly work, housing essential tools like CNC machines, laser cutters, 3D printers, and more. This area supports both individual and group activities, enhancing flexibility for learning. Adjacent in ACEX Room 150, the Machine Shop offers specialized equipment for wood and metalwork, under the supervision of technical staff.

Contact us

Dyson School of Design Engineering
Imperial College London
25 Exhibition Road
South Kensington

Tel: +44 (0) 20 7594 8888

Campus Map