Lois Liow with her winning project

Design Engineering Selected Innovation REcognition (DESIRE)


For modules where there is a design engineering output in the form of significant coursework, a module leader or delegated representative selects one item of output for the Design Engineering Selected Innovation REcognition (DESIRE). This is a prestigious award within the School and something that we imagine all students shall aspire to win during the programme of study. DESIRE selected works need not necessarily be associated with the top mark or grade scoring project and may be awarded to a group of students or individual work. We expect DESIRE to become a badge of honour for Design Engineers. Our congratulations to all the winners!


Prizes for 2023/2024

Prizes for 2022/2023

Prizes for 2021/2022

Prizes for 2020/2021

Prizes for 2019/2020

Prizes for 2018/19

Prizes for 2017/18

Contact us

Dyson School of Design Engineering
Imperial College London
25 Exhibition Road
South Kensington

Tel: +44 (0) 20 7594 8888

Campus Map