Codesign x Inclusivity - A Framework and Toolkit for Codesigning Gender-Inclusive Health Innovation

In the realm of healthcare technology, inclusivity often falls short, particularly concerning gender-specific needs. This project aims at empowering marginalised voices and bridge gender disparities pervasive in healthcare technology design.

This project will develop and validate a framework and a practical toolkit for supporting diverse multidisciplinary teams in the codesign of gender-sensitive health innovation.

The project will benefit from a collaboration with the ‘Women's Health’ Network of Excellence, a cross-departmental initiative at Imperial College London aiming at addressing gender disparities in health.

Seeking candidates with a background in Design Engineering / HCI or related fields, with strong skills in mixed methods research, codesign methods, and human-centered design principles.

How to Apply 
Please contact Dr Celine Mougenot if you are interested in applying for this project. 

For more information on submitting a PhD application, please consult our application pages here. When you submit your application, please cite this project title in the 'how you are planning to fund your PhD' section.