Collaboration is key for enabling Smart working. This page will help you understand the best practice for navigating the space, keeping your information safe while hot desking, considering others and their health needs.

Desk usage tabs

Choosing a desk

Home zones are allocated to departments and sections. Staff members are recommended to sit in their home zones, but they could also use other zones. In case of shortage of desks in a zone, home department staff members have priority on their home zone desks.

You are free to choose any desk on the floor you like. Where possible, try to use a desk in your home zone. If you are occupying a desk in a guest zone and a native colleague has nowhere else to sit in the zone, offer the desk to them. Remember, there are at least 54 touch-down spaces in collaboration areas.

Please make guest members working in other zones to feel welcome. This will help to break down silos and encourage cross-team working.