Why Smart Working is important at Imperial College
Our aim is to provide a clear Smart Working framework that sets out consistent principles for making decisions and supporting the choices we make.
Key features of Smart Working are:
- Flexibility in the time and location of work
- Management by results
- A trust-based and empowering culture
- High levels of autonomy
- More flexible forms of collaboration
- Use of new technology tools and work environments
This Toolkit is designed to support managers and employees in understanding and making decisions about smart working.
The key benefits we are aiming for are:
- Being more effective and efficient in our work
- Providing more choice of where and when to work for employees
Smart Working can enable flexible work patterns.
How to use the Toolkit
The Toolkit is designed both to promote understanding and to provide practical assistance for implementing smart working.
It is divided into 3 sections:
- Introductory guidance to promote understanding of the basic principles of smart working and how to apply them to enable greater flexibility across all the work we do
- Guidance for managers on supporting and managing smart working
- Guidance for teams on how to work smarter.
Table of contents
- Smart working for managers
- Business Case for Smart Working
- Top Tips for Managers: Having conversations around Smart Working
- Key management behaviours and skills
- Taking Forward Smart People Skills
- Building Team Cohesion
- Rethinking meetings and flexible collaboration
- A segmentation of types of work form management by results
- Dealing with Anticipated Problems and Issues
- Top Tips for Managing Smart Working Teams