The purpose of governance is to facilitate effective, entrepreneurial and prudent management that can deliver long-term success. 

ICT Governance model

The Provost Board's CFO Group has a two way dialogue with the ICT Leadership Team about long term College and ICT plans and strategies.

The ICT Leadership Team, headed up by the CIO, gets input from both the Customer Forum (Townhall) and the 4 main Boards who all feed up to Leadership and influence the direction of the strategic direction of ICT.

ICT Governance Boards

1. Business Operations Board

The Business Operations (BO) Board is lead by the Director of Business Operations. This board uses it expertise to input on matters such as;

  • Business guiderails​
  • Commercial (procurement, contracts and partnerships)​
  • Compliance (Cyber Security, ISO etc.)​
  • Budget & spend.​
  • People planning: HR, recruitment, well being, etc.​
  • Learning & development.​

2. The Technology Office Board

The Technology Office Board is lead by the Director of Technology Office who governs the technology strategy through:

  • blueprints
  • patterns
  • guiderails
  • templates
  • technology radars
  • policy
  • Stakeholder engagement with faculties and other College areas. ​

The Technical Design Authority (TDA) is the body responsible for maintaining an overview of the complete design with regard to coherence, consistency with the blueprint plans and adherence to the technology strategy. The TDA is chaired by the Technology Office and has representations from across the College. (The TDA is lead by the customer requirements and also feeds into the Product Management Board.)

The Engineering Board supports the goals of the TDA by providing assurance to product lines to review technical design documents. (It is lead by the customer requirements and also feeds into the Product Management Board.)

3. Product Management Board

The Product Management Board is led by the Director of Digital Products who ensures that the Products are aligned with College requirements and the Technology Strategy by overseeing the:​

  • Product roadmaps and priorities
  • management of the active portfolio of change delivery and the backlog.​
  • Optimisation of resource allocation, including budgets.​
  • The right capabilities are in place.​

4. Service Performance Board

The Service Performance Board is chaired by the Director of Customer Success and is responsible for customer satisfaction and:

  • Operational performance  to meet defined service performance standards.
  • Improving service reliability and reducing incident volumes.​
  • Service onboarding.​
  • Control of the IT assets.​

5. Research Computing Services (RCS) Governance

The RCS Leadership Board has a two-way dialogue with the RCS advisory board and both feed into the Faculty IT Committees.

The board is a channel for communicating to higher level university committees as required.

Subgroups are initiated for activities relating to data, RSE activities, user engagement (though this is explicitly defined as a regular activity linking into this board), technical oversight and assurance.

See the full RCS governance structure.

Further help

If you have a governance query please contact our Head of Business Operations.