The ICT training room is a specialist training facility in the Central Library on the South Kensington Campus of Imperial College London, for delivering ICT training to College staff and research students. The room can be booked by members of staff for courses and used by students for study purposes when it is not booked.
Where is the ICT training room?
Room 204, Central Library
Sherfield Building
Imperial College London
Exhibition Road, South Kensington
London, SW7 2AZ
Map of South Kensington Campus
Software training
If you require specialist software for training purposes, please give at least three weeks' notice. We may not always be able to provide requested software.
Undergraduate teaching and student use
The room is not available for normal undergraduate teaching as these facilities are provided by faculties. Students are not permitted to occupy the room when it has been booked. The booking schedule is posted on the door of the training room.
Book the ICT training room
All bookings are managed and supervised by us. To book the ICT training room, complete this form.
If the room is no longer required, contact the ICT Service Desk. You must cancel your booking at least 24 hours before the booking is due to take place.
You can discuss and plan departmental training needs, working with People and Organisational Development.
If you encounter any issues with the machines or software in the training room, contact the ICT Service Desk.