You must change your Imperial password by 12.00 on Tuesday 17 December. You will receive an email to your Imperial email address with further details. This is a precautionary measure in response to an increase in cyber threats to the higher education sector.
Reset my password on a university managed device
You can reset your password using a university managed device. See below instructions to change your password on a Mac or Windows device:
Reset my password on an unmanaged university device
This process resets your password for access to Imperial resources. If you are using an unmanaged Imperial machine then it will not reset the password to the account used to access the local device.
If you are not on an Imperial managed device or you need to reset an alumni, role or student applicant password, these can be changed or reset using the password change web page. Simply enter your username and password and follow the instructions
Further support
Please note passwords must be a minimum of 12 characters, and contain at least three of the four different character types (upper case, lower case, numbers, supported symbols are '-!"#$%&()*,./:;?@[]^_`{|}~+<=> ). It cannot be a password you've used before.
If you have a problem changing or resetting your password, contact the ICT Service Desk by telephone only on +44 (0)207 594 9000.
For security reasons, we do not correspond over email regarding passwords.
Password policy
As a member of Imperial with a Multi-Factor Authentication enabled account you are no longer required to change your password as often. Note some types of accounts still require a change of password at least once a year, and you will be notified by email from the ICT Service Desk when your password is due to expire or if a change is necessary.
ICT may reset your password if we believe your account has been compromised.