Login to Confluence wikiRequest a Confluence Wiki

Need to know

You MUST click the Microsoft button on the login screen in the first instance as Confluece uses the same SSO credentials as your Office 365 account.

A wiki is a web-based service, essentially a website, which can be used to share content and documents online in a way that enables and encourages collaboration across teams and individuals. Wikipedia is the most common example of a wiki.

As a member of staff or a student at Imperial, once your account has been enabled for access, you can use your Imperial username and password to access the Confluence Wiki where you can share knowledge and collaborate with your team. You can request your own wiki space and invite others to work with you on a project or complete a repository of information on a particular subject.

(Device description could be pulled from Service catalogue)

More product support

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Service information (automatic feed from Service Catalogue required)

Maintenance window  - Date and time

Service owner - Ian Seaman

Related services - Office 365, Imperial Blogs, Imperial Stories, Imperial Profiles, TerminalFour CMS, ASK Knowledge Base

Accessibility statement - tbc

Product release notes


This page was last update on 13 November 2024