To access a Blackboard course and interact with the course materials, staff and students need to be enrolled with a specific role.  

Course roles have different permissions and can be broadly separated between Student and Teacher.  The Teacher role is further divided into Editing Teacher and Non-editing Teacher roles.  Roles that users can be given on a course include:   

  • Course Admin   
  • Course Teacher   
  • Teaching Assistant    
  • Auditor   
  • Marker   
  • Student   

Please see the permissions matrix (pdf) to see what each role can and cannot do.  The ability to enrol users is available to Course Admins and Course Teachers.   

Below we look at the different processes in which staff and students can be enrolled onto Blackboard courses. 

Note: Staff and students at Imperial College are automatically given access to Blackboard and do not need to request for an account to be created. 


Automatic enrolment

For Blackboard Curriculum Courses, students and the Module Leader will be enrolled based on the information held in Banner (the Imperial College student record system). 

  • Module Leaders will be enrolled as a Course Teacher
  • Students who are taking the module for credit will be enrolled as Students
  • Students who are taking the module not for credit will be enrolled as Auditors

Enrolments will occur within 24 hours of a user being associated with the module in Banner. 

Blackboard Curriculum courses are created as unavailable to students by default. Please see our help materials on course availability to enable access to curriculum courses 

Any issues with student enrolments should be checked in Banner with Faculty/Departmental administrators or by contacting Registry.