Digital Education Policies
Policy for students
- It is not possible for ICT to grant students permission to record videos using Panopto.
- It is not possible for ICT to grant access to Turnitin to students
- If you have submitted the wrong document to your assignment submission, then you will need to contact your course team for assistance, as ICT are unable to resolve this for you.
- If you have submitted the wrong document to your assignment submission, then you will need to contact your course team for assistance, as ICT are unable to resolve this for you.
Using Mobile Devices
- For the best experience using any of the online Digital Education systems or resources we recommend using a laptop/desktop browser. Vendors of all our educational products are committed to providing a product that works with mobile devices, however due to the agile nature of app development and update deployment to mobile devices in particular; it is not possible for ICT to test and provide reassurance that products will always function as expected. If issues are found using mobile devices with ICT supported Digital Education applications, we are happy to report these issues to product vendors.
Integrating with ICT supported systems
- ICT do not permit Students or Staff to integrate via APIs to our systems
Policy for staff
If you require further assistance or support with regards to the above policies, then please contact the Digital Education Team by submitting a request on ASK.