ICT E-exam user guide
Once ICT has accepted and processed your exam booking, you will receive a confirmation email including a zip file and instructions on how to use ICT E-exams.
The zip file will be encrypted and you will be provided with the key in person, over the telephone or on an encrypted email. Opening the zip file with the provided decryption key will enable you to view the PDF document enclosed.
The document contains a set of instructions and a username and password for each computer in the room. During the exam a student will use the credentials supplied on the sheet to log in to a computer.
Each file and set of instructions are unique to the room that you have booked. The instruction sheets must be used in the room they were created for, the room can be determined from the machine ID at the bottom right of each sheet. You will receive a new file per exam per room.
Students must log into computers that have been set up for an E-exam. These can easily be identified as they will have a green background as shown in the image below.
[e-exam screen image]
Student access to files and other resources
Files or other resources you wish to make available for students during the exam can be saved in the S:\ drive. This needs to be done ahead of the exam and is accessible from the exam accounts. Please contact ICT if you require assistance with this.