Recordings can be created in Panopto using the Panopto Personal Recorder. The Personal Recorder has the advantage of being able to capture multiple streams of content: you can capture video, audio, an overhead visualiser, the computer desktop and a PowerPoint presentation all in one recording. These can then all be viewed simultaneously in the Panopto web viewer.

The Personal Recorder is pre-installed on many Imperial College lecture theatre lectern machines and can also be downloaded and installed on a personal device. Read our install Panopto Personal Recorder web page for instructions.

Create a recording

Set up the personal recorder

First make sure all the equipment that you plan to use is connected and turned on before launching the Panopto Personal Recorder.

The Panopto Personal Recorder requires an audio input to record. Even if you do not plan to record any sound, ensure that you have a microphone enabled.

If you are using a campus lectern machine, wireless microphones are located either near the lectern or are available from your departmental office.

If the light on the microphone is flashing red (muted), press the button on the microphone once and it will un-mute it and will flash green.

The Panopto Personal Recorder app will be located on the desktop of the machine you are using. If you are unable to locate it on the desktop, search the machine for “recorder.exe” or “Panopto”.

After opening the app you will be asked to enter your Imperial College username and password. Enter these and click Log In.