Once you have created a recording you can edit the recording before you share it with staff and students. The following tabs include instructions on setting permissions, downloading and editing recordings, including adding media, merging two recordings and using the Panopto Quiz tool.

Edit and share a recording and setting permissions

Setting sharing permissions

Navigate to a folder and select the Share icon that displays when you hover over a recording.

This will display the “Who has access” section, listing what type of access is set for that recording, who can access the folder and what level of access they have. The sharing options available include:

Inherit permissions from “Parent Folder”
A Panopto folder also contains sub-folders. Sub-folders inherit the permissions of the parent folder immediately above, unless the access is specifically changed for a sub-folder

  • Specific People – only users or groups listed in this section have access.
  • Anyone at your organisation with the link – any user with an Imperial College London account can view this recording provided they have the link.
  • Anyone at your organisation – Any user with an Imperial College London account can view this recording and it can be searched for within the Panopto navigation interface.

Adding users

To give users access, enter their name, username or email address in the Invite people field. If required, the user can be notified by email. You can also give access to groups and distribution lists using the same method.


  • When adding users, always wait for the drop-down list to appear and select from that. Do not just add their credentials.
  • Creators will need to be added at folder level beacuse only viewers can be added to a recording.
  • Read our web page on Sharing recordings with an external audience for information on how to share content with individuals outside of the College.