Folders are the main organisational tool used in Panopto.

  • Anyone with an Imperial College user account can be given permission to either view (Viewer) or edit (Creator) the content of a folder.
  • Access to a folder is administered by users that have the Creator permission to that folder.
  • A Panopto folder contains sub-folders. Sub-folders inherit the permissions of the parent folder immediately above, unless the access is specifically changed for a sub-folder.

ICT do not give users access to folders or administer the recordings contained within them. It is the responsibility of the content owner (Creator) to organise access to Panopto content folders.  If you require either Viewer or Creator access to a folder, then contact the owner. This might be your Course Leader, Learning Technologist or your Departmental Office.

To navigate through folders that you have access to, click on Browse on the left hand side of the screen. This will display All Folders and My Folders, allowing you to navigate to the desired folder. If a folder appears greyed out, it means that you have access to a sub-folder somewhere within that folders hierarchy: click on the arrow next to the folder to explore.

Manage Panopto folders

Sharing Panopto content folders

Navigate to the required folder and select the Share icon in top right-hand corner of the screen.

This screen provides you with a viewing link. Copy, paste and send the link to the intended viewers and they will be able to directly access the folder.

If you select Embed, an embed code is displayed, allowing you to add the recordings to webpages and Blackboard courses. If adding to a Blackboard course, the folder will need to be setup with the correct viewer access permissions for the students on the course.

The Who has access section lists what type of access is set for that folder, who can access the folder and what level of access they have.

  • Specific People – Only users or groups listed in this section have access. Creators can make any changes and edit any content within this folder. Viewers can view any content within the folder.
  • Anyone at your organization with the link – Any user with an Imperial College London account can view this folder and its content provided they have the link.
  • Anyone at your organization - Any user with an Imperial College London account can view this folder and its content and it can be searched for within the Panopto navigation interface.

To give users access, enter their name, username or email address in the Invite people field and select the level of access required. If required, the user can be notified by email.

You can also give access to groups and distribution lists using the same method.

Note: When adding users, always wait for the drop-down list to appear and select from that. Do not just add their credentials.