The Good Science Project is a College-wide initiative aiming to promote debate about contemporary research culture. We aim to celebrate the ideals which brought us in to science, and by which we hope to work. And we look with a critical eye at the way Imperial College can best support our own good practice.
What is ‘good science’?
What actually is ‘good science’? And what is ‘good practice’? These phrases are interesting because they point in two directions. On the one hand there are the ‘headline’ successes of institutions: grants won, league tables scaled, top journals stormed, media time guaranteed, parliamentary questions asked. We know too that ‘good science’ suggests also something quieter, less public, more intimate. ‘Good science’ may be the moments of reflection where you have time to consider the direction your work is taking. It may be those conversations with colleagues that are both trustful and creative. Good science may be the style of work where collegiality is valued above straight ambition. Undoubtedly good science is linked to the steady and secure development of our skills. Overall we need our institutions to be successful: otherwise there can be no science. But for the ideas to flow, researchers need time and they need autonomy. How can we get the balance right, and so produce the research culture that helps us all flourish?
What we’ve achieved so far…
There is no single ‘research culture’. Rather, this is a concept that covers many activities and aspects of the university. Of course by using the word ‘culture’ we signal in particular the vital importance of the human and social aspects of science. The Good Science Project therefore focuses on examples and particularities within our daily scientific lives rather than on all-encompassing grand ideas and policy initiatives. For example our Friday Forums, well-attended lunchtime seminars on research culture, always debate one topic likely to be of practical interest to Imperial researchers. One such was our discussion on the relation at Imperial between technicians and scientists, which you can read about here.
On September 27th 2023 we organised a major conference, The Day of Doubt, to examine and affirm the importance of doubt as a resource for good science. 280 members of the College filled the Sir Alexander Building, with the day introduced by Professor Mary Ryan (Vice-Provost, Research and Enterprise), Sir Paul Nurse FRS, director of the Francis Crick institute, and Professor Ian Walmsley FRS, Provost of Imperial College. The day was structured to be as conversational as possible, with ample opportunity to discuss features of research culture that we take for granted, but which benefit from critique and challenge. Discussion therefore moved during the day from an appreciation of the value of doubt, to critical discussion of our drive for excellence, for public engagement, and for interdisciplinarity.
Next steps…
The Good Science Project is now planning the next season of Friday Forums. Details are below, in our events listings. All Friday Forums are free with lunch provided, and are open to all College members. Each consists of a panel, and it is a rule of the Forum that half of the time is given over to audience discussion. Do sign up when registration opens, and come along expecting to be involved in lively discussion and debate.
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