Use of conversational AI tools (ChatGPT)

The Department's guidance on the use of converastional AI tools such as Chat GPT can be found on the Plagiarism page

Student projects

First year projects

An outline of the project can be found in the Department's module catalogue

Second years

An outline of the project can be found in Department's module catalogue

Third year MEng group project

Third year MEng students can take either

Group project or Industrial placement

Group Project

The 3rd Year group project is undertaken by those students in the 3rd Year of the MEng who choose not to undertake an Industrial Placement. It runs for the entirety of the summer term (typically April - June).

The purpose of the module is to provide students with the experience of design engineering in an industrially relevant context. They will develop solutions to problems by following the process: problem - specification - design solutions - build - refine - test - evaluate. In addition, students will gain valuable insights into the commercial and project management facets of product development.

All projects are proposed by industry and are addressed by groups of 5 to 7 students. They are supervised by industry but the project is undertaken at Imperial. Each group will be allocated an industrial and an academic supervisor, who will provide guidance and assess the outcomes.

The project is assessed as follows:
Presentation and demonstration (60%)
Project Report (40%)


Industrial Placement

Click here for more information on the Industrial Placements

MEng and BEng final year projects
MSc Projects