These pages contain the information needed for exam markers to make the process more rigorous and consistent among different people involved in the marking process. Please don’t hesitate to contact with any questions. We are here to help! 

Marking information

Marking Guidelines


Marking will be done on PDFs. It is recommended that you have:

  • Adobe Acrobat. If you do not have this, you can order from Academia using ICIS iProcurement.

Marking instructions

Guidance on the marking of exam papers for first and second markers

Contacting Education Support Team

All emails relating to exam or coursework marking will come from, and replies should be sent to the same address. This is a shared mailbox that is monitored by all members of the EEE Exams Team. Sending to the inbox means that nothing will be overlooked if one of the team is away.

On-campus, papers exams*
After the exam is finished the exam scripts will be picked up by an external exam scanning company and will be taken away and scanned to PDF. The Education Support Team will contact you and share the PDF exam scripts with you once they have been returned to us. PDF scripts will be shared on OneDrive and we will send you the link via email.
Please be aware that the PDF scripts will be shared with you within one week of pick-up and won’t be available immediately, so please could you plan around this. Physical scripts will be returned to us in bulk after the exam period is finished.
The scripts will be in a folder on OneDrive (Box is no longer supported by College), along with copy of the exam paper and answers. The Onedrive folder is only accessible by markers and the Education Support Team.
The scripts are named: CID_examcode. Do not change the filename.
If a student is absent from the exam there will be a yellow page in place of their script.
Please see the above marking instructions for information about first and second marking.
The first marker should annotate the exam scripts using red ink.
Before you start marking, create a new sub-folder titled “marked scripts”, within the original folder that the scripts were in when we shared them with you. Save the annotated scripts to that folder. Please ensure that you still retain the original unmarked versions of the scripts in one folder, with the marked scripts in a separate sub-folder.
Once you’ve completed the first marking, email your second marker (copying in to let them know that they are ready to be second marked. Do not share the scripts via email.
If you are not sure who your second marker is, please check the List of 1st and 2nd markers.
The second marker checks the scripts by annotating them in “green ink” (this should create a new file version on One Drive).
First and second markers should meet to agree marks.
First marker enters marks in Sentry and second markers should check before final submission.
Sentry has been set to arrange students in CID order. If students are not arranged in CID order you can sort by CID by clicking the by Cand. No. button under Student Order.
Once the marks have been entered and agreed click on the Final copy button. Print a PDF of the final marksheet. This MUST BE DIGITALLY SIGNED BY BOTH MARKERS.
Add the signed marksheet to the OneDrive folder with the exam scripts.
Send an email to saying that the marking is complete.

*These instructions don’t apply to the exams held on Blackboard or Wiseflow that are automatically marked. However, if your module is one of the modules with online exams (ACT, Topics in EE), please follow the instructions for submitting your marks to Sentry and provide us with the signed marksheet.

Marking Schedule
  • 1st marking: complete within 2 weeks of receiving exam papers from the Education Office.
  • 2nd marking: complete within 2 weeks of receiving exam papers from the 1st marker, which is a total of 4 weeks after the 1st marker receives the scripts.

If you require an extension to the deadline, please contact the Education Support Team at

Exam Timetable