UTAs (Undergraduate Teaching Assistants) can be recruited to assist module leads with lab demonstration, lecture support and to provide feedback to students after tests. They can also provide extra module tutorial support to other students.

GTAs (Graduate Teaching Assistants) can be lab demonstrators, maths tutors, teaching assistants and can provide 3rd and 4th year lecture module support. 

Undergraduate Teaching Assistants


  • is a registered EEE/EIE student in second, third or fourth year who achieved >65% in the module they are proposing to help support. Maths eligibility criteria is >70%
  • will receive basic teaching/tutoring training provided by the module lead prior to becoming a UTA
  • can be employed for a maximum of 4 hours per week (equivalent of 1 lab) or max. 45 hours per year  

Undergraduate Teaching Assistant (UTA) can assist module leads in the first or second year with the following:

  • Lab demonstration
  • Lecture support – particularly for modules with a heavy coursework element
  • To provide feedback (not marks) to students following tests so students understand how and why they missed marks
  • Extra tutorial support to enrich student learning with opportunities for further explanation or development of particular topics

N.B.  UTAs cannot be used for marking or providing grades.  This is the responsibility of the academic module lead.  

If you would like to recruit UTA(s), please fill out this survey

  • indicate which module you teach,
  • how many UTAs you require for the module
  • anything specific you would like a UTA to do
  • proposed hours per week, number of weeks work and total hours for the module (note each UTA can work only ≤4 hrs per week/45 hrs per year)
  • week commencing date of the UTA work
  • any specific expertise or skill requirements

The role will be firstly approved by DUGS (hours, purpose of the role, etc.) and then advertised on UTA webpage for students to apply directly with module leader.

Students will be selected according to the following criteria:
  • Excellence i.e. >65% in the proposed subject area
  • Good spoken English
  • Commitment and reliability
  • Any useful previous experience as a tutor/trainer
  • Students must be eligible to work in the UK to apply as a UTA. UTAs MUST have a National Insurance number before they start work. 
Responsibilities of module leads:
  • provide a full explanation to the UTA(s) of what you want them to do before they start.
  • provide feedback on the UTA’s performance at the end of the lecture course for the student’s file. 

Only students registered in the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering may work as UTAs, and they must achieve >65% in the proposed subject area, with good spoken English. 

Students must be eligible to work in the UK and they must have a National Insurance number in order to work as a UTA. 

The Good Work Plan legislation came into effect on 1 April 2020. It requires employers to provide a much greater level of detail about the registering of casual workers, in order to ensure full compliance with the legislation. Please refer to the ‘Application Process’ section below, for more information on how UTAs are registered. 

Students must receive basic training provided by the module lecturer prior to becoming a UTA 

UTAS can be employed for a maximum of 4 hours per week (equivalent of 1 lab) or max. 45 hours per year. 

Module leads are required to provide the UTAs with a full explanation of what is being asked of them before they start.

You should monitor the performance of the UTA i.e. any comments from students on the quality of assistance provided by UTAs should determine if UTAs are retained for specific tasks. 

Students will contact the module leader directly in order to apply for advertised UTA roles.

Once the module leader has completed the selection process, the student should complete an Appendix document. UTAs are required to complete one Appendix document per type of assignment. The student will email the completed Appendix to Ella Greenhalgh directly. 

All UTAs/UTs must then complete their full registration process with the college’s Casual Worker Team. The Casual Worker team will explain all of the registration requirements to the student. If the student has any queries about the registration requirements, they should contact the Casual Worker team directly.

More information about the Casual Worker Team and the purpose of their role can be found on their webpage

* Please note that students are not permitted to work until their eligibility and registration with the Casual Worker Team has been completed. 

* You will receive an email from the Casual Worker team, to confirm once the student has been registered.


The Department uses the College's Casual Payroll app.

Claims for work must be submitted through the app.

The User Guide and instructions on how to approve claims can be found on the College Casual Worker page.  If you encounter any problems please email eeecasualworkersupport@imperial.ac.uk

Graduate Teaching Assistants

PhD students have the opportunity to work as Graduate Teaching Assistants (GTAs) in the Department. A GTA can have more responsibilities than a UTA and can be asked to run a study group or a class.  Examples of GTA roles are as follows: 

(1) Demonstrators for the 1st/2nd year Electronics Laboratories.
(2) Mathematics tutoring for 1st year undergraduates.
(3) Teaching assistants for the 1st/2nd year Professional Engineering and Technical Communications courses.
(4) 3rd and 4th year lecture module support - mainly by marking coursework


If you wish to appoint GTAs, please contact students directly to explain that you are looking to hire GTAs for your module, and to ask interested students to speak to you directly. If you have a particular student(s) in mind for the role, you can also contact them directly about working as a GTA for you.

If you are struggling to recruit GTAs, please pop into the Teaching Office, and Spencer Cockerell can also contact students about the GTA role on your behalf, to generate more interest.
Once you have agreed to engage a student as a GTA, please refer them to the casual worker application process on the student GTA page

Once the module leader has completed the selection process, the student should complete an  2023-24 GTA Appendix (word) document, and you (module organiser) plus the supervisor should sign this. GTAs are required to complete one Appendix document per type of assignment. The student will email the completed Appendix to eeecasualworkersupport@imperial.ac.uk.

All GTAs must then complete their full registration process with the college’s Casual Worker Team directly. The Casual Worker team will explain all of the registration requirements to the student. If the student has any queries about the registration requirements, they should contact the Casual Worker team directly.

More information about the Casual Worker Team and the purpose of their role can be found on their webpage

* Please note that students are not permitted to work until their eligibility and registration with the Casual Worker Team has been completed.

* You will receive an email from the Casual Worker team, to confirm once the student has been registered.

 Rates of Pay


On average, GTAs should work 6 - 10 hours per week, and should never work more than 20 hours in any week. Most students on Tier 4 visas are not eligible to work more than 20 hours per week.  The maximum number of GTA hours any student can work per academic year must be approved by their supervisor (via the Letter of Understanding), and must not exceed 200 hours.

Only students registered in the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering may work as GTAs.  In exceptional circumstances, Module Organisers may make a case to the Director of Undergraduate Studies to employ a student from another Department.

Please note that Research Assistants on a full time contract cannot be a GTA.  

Please note that students are not permitted to work until their eligibility has been verified by the Casual Worker Team.