
BibTex format

author = {Djapic, P and Tindemans, S and Strbac, G},
publisher = {IET},
title = {Comparison of Approaches for Quantifying Demand Side Response Capacity Credit for the Use in Distribution Network Planning},
year = {2015}

RIS format (EndNote, RefMan)

AB - The present UK distribution network planning standard,Engineering Recommendation P.2/6 (P2/6), defines theacceptable durations of supply outages following first andsecond circuit outage conditions as function of group demand.In addition, P2/6 specifies a capacity value for distributedgeneration (DG) to be used in future circuit capacity planning.The approach does not consider other elements of thedistribution network. This paper analyses the reliabilityperformance of distribution system when DSR is used todefer network upgrades driven by load growth. The analysisuses actual DSR performance data from trials that wereexecuted as part of the Low Carbon London project. The DSRcontribution to security of supply is assessed using aprobabilistic risk modelling framework to further inform anumber of topics (i) reliability contribution of DSRtechnologies in a network context, (ii) strengths andweaknesses of P2/6 in estimating contribution to security ofsupply, (iii) benefits of contractual redundancy, (iv) impact ofDSR coincidence in delivery (common mode failures) oncontribution to security, and (v) impact of DSR scale andmagnitude on contribution to security of supply.
AU - Djapic,P
AU - Tindemans,S
AU - Strbac,G
PY - 2015///
TI - Comparison of Approaches for Quantifying Demand Side Response Capacity Credit for the Use in Distribution Network Planning
ER -