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Journal articleChen HT, Tao XH, Hui SYR, 2012,
Estimation of Optical Power and Heat-Dissipation Coefficient for the Photo-Electro-Thermal Theory for LED Systems
, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS, Vol: 27, Pages: 2176-2183, ISSN: 0885-8993- Author Web Link
- Cite
- Citations: 43
Journal articleTao X, Chen H, Li SN, et al., 2012,
A New Noncontact Method for the Prediction of Both Internal Thermal Resistance and Junction Temperature of White Light-Emitting Diodes
, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS, Vol: 27, Pages: 2184-2192, ISSN: 0885-8993- Author Web Link
- Cite
- Citations: 23
Journal articleAzcondo FJ, Marcos Alonso J, Hui SYR, 2012,
, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, Vol: 59, Pages: 1686-1688, ISSN: 0278-0046- Author Web Link
- Cite
- Citations: 1
Journal articleDatta S, Chakraborty D, Chaudhuri B, 2012,
Partial Pole Placement with Controller Optimization
, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL, Vol: 57, Pages: 1051-1056, ISSN: 0018-9286- Author Web Link
- Cite
- Citations: 32
Journal articleLi SN, Zhong WX, Chen W, et al., 2012,
Novel Self-Configurable Current-Mirror Techniques for Reducing Current Imbalance in Parallel Light-Emitting Diode (LED) Strings
, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS, Vol: 27, Pages: 2153-2162, ISSN: 0885-8993- Author Web Link
- Cite
- Citations: 69
Journal articleLee CK, Zhong WX, Hui SYR, 2012,
Effects of Magnetic Coupling of Nonadjacent Resonators on Wireless Power Domino-Resonator Systems
, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS, Vol: 27, Pages: 1905-1916, ISSN: 0885-8993- Author Web Link
- Cite
- Citations: 218
Journal articleNg WM, Lin DY, Hui SY, 2012,
Design of a Single Ultra-Low-Loss Magnetic Ballast for a Wide Range of T5 High-Efficiency Fluorescent Lamps
, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, Vol: 59, Pages: 1849-1858, ISSN: 0278-0046- Author Web Link
- Cite
- Citations: 11
Journal articlePiplezadeh Y, Chaudhuri B, Green TC, 2012,
Control Coordination Within a VSC-HVDC Link for Power Oscillation Damping: A Robust Decentralized Approach Using Homotopy
, IEEE Transactions on Control Systems TechnologyPower oscillations can be damped effectivelythrough modulation of both active and reactive power of a voltage source converter based high voltage direct current link. The challenge, however, is how to coordinate the control action properly at the two ends of the link without using a centralised control scheme, which requires fast communication of control signals to remote actuator (converters) sites. A full centralised controller may result in a closed-loop performance worse than that of an open loop in case of a communication loss of feedback signal(s). Alternatively, with a block-diagonal control structure, the individual control loops are decoupled from each other, which is not only easier to implement in a decentralized way, but also shown to guarantee a certain level of performance. Here, the concept of homotopy is applied to obtain a single block-diagonal controller from a set of full controllers, individually designed to ensure specified closed-loop performance for a set of operating conditions. Simulation studies in DIgSILENT PowerFactory are carried out on two test systems to demonstrate both the robustness and control coordination in a decentralised framework.
Journal articleJerez JL, Kerrigan EC, Constantinides GA, 2012,
A sparse and condensed QP formulation for predictive control of LTI systems
, Automatica, Vol: 48, Pages: 999-1002, ISSN: 1873-2836The computational burden that model predictive control (MPC) imposes depends to a large extent on the way the optimal control problem is formulated as an optimization problem. We present a formulation where the input is expressed as an affine function of the state such that the closed-loop dynamics matrix becomes nilpotent. Using this approach and removing the equality constraints leads to a compact and sparse optimization problem to be solved at each sampling instant. The problem can be solved with a cost per interior-point iteration that is linear with respect to the horizon length, when this is bigger than the controllability index of the plant. The computational complexity of existing condensed approaches grow cubically with the horizon length, whereas existing non-condensed and sparse approaches also grow linearly, but with a greater proportionality constant than with the method presented here.
Journal articleClark JMC, Vinter RB, 2012,
Stochastic exit time problems arising in process control
, Stochastics-An International Journal of Probability and Stochastic Processes, Vol: 84, Pages: 667-681, ISSN: 1744-2516This paper concerns the problem of controlling a stochastic system, with small noise parameter, to prevent it leaving a safe region of the state space. Such problems arise in flow control and other areas. We consider a formulation of the problem, in which a control is sought, to maximize a cost which is related to the expected exit time, but modified to reduce the probability of an early exit, according to a specified level of risk aversion (‘risk sensitive’ stochastic control). Formally letting the noise parameter tend to zero, we find that the optimal control strategy for this problem coincides with the optimal feedback control strategy for a differential game. We identify a class of differential games arising in this way, the so called decomposable differential games, for which the optimal control strategy can be easily obtained and illustrate the proposed solution technique by applying it to a flow control problem arising in process systems engineering.
Conference paperShabbir W, Evangelou SA, Arana C, 2012,
Series hybrid electric vehicle supervisory control based on off-line efficiency optimization
, 2012 IEEE International Electric Vehicle Conference -
PatentBrandon NPB, Mitcheson PD, Yufit V, et al., 2012,
Battery Monitoring in Electric Vehicles, Hybrid Electric Vehicles, and other Applications
, WO/2012/025706 -
PatentEvangelou SA, Dini D, De Meerschman O, et al., 2012,
Variable-geometry suspension apparatus and vehicle comprising such apparatus
Journal articleParisini T, 2012,
Journal articleHowey DA, Childs PRN, Holmes AS, 2012,
Air-gap convection in rotating electrical machines
, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol: 59, Pages: 1367-1375, ISSN: 0278-0046This paper reviews convective heat transfer within the air-gap of both cylindrical and disc geometry rotating electrical machines, including worked examples relevant to fractional horsepower electrical machines. Thermal analysis of electrical machines is important because torque density is limited by maximum temperature. Knowledge of surface convective heat transfer coefficients is necessary for accurate thermal modelling for example using lumped parameter models. There exists a wide body of relevant literature, but much of it has traditionally been in other application areas, dominated by mechanical engineers, such as gas turbine design. Particular attention is therefore given to the explanation of the relevant non-dimensional parameters, and to the presentation of measured convective heat transfer correlations for a wide variety of situations from laminar to turbulent flow at small and large gap sizes for both radial flux and axial flux electrical machines.
Journal articleChen W, Hui SYR, 2012,
Elimination of an Electrolytic Capacitor in AC/DC Light-Emitting Diode (LED) Driver With High Input Power Factor and Constant Output Current
, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS, Vol: 27, Pages: 1598-1607, ISSN: 0885-8993- Author Web Link
- Cite
- Citations: 191
Journal articleManitsas E, Singh R, Pal BC, et al., 2012,
Distribution System State Estimation using an Artificial Neural Network Approach for Pseudo Measurement Modeling
, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol: 27, Pages: 1888-1896-1896, ISSN: 0885-8950This paper presents an alternative approach topseudo measurement modeling in the context of distributionsystem state estimation (DSSE). In the proposed approach pseudomeasurements are generated from a few real measurements usingartificial neural networks (ANNs) in conjunction with typicalload profiles. The error associated with the generated pseudomeasurements is made suitable for use in the weighted leastsquares (WLS) state estimation by decomposition into severalcomponents through the Gaussian mixture model (GMM). Theeffect of ANN-based pseudo measurement modeling on thequality of state estimation is demonstrated on a 95-bus sectionof the U.K. generic distribution system (UKGDS) model
PatentGreen TC, Merlin MMC, Okaeme N, et al., 2012,
A Method of Voltage Source Converter Cell Voltage Balancing using Circulating Current
, WO/2012/013248 -
Journal articleJabr RA, Singh R, Pal BC, 2012,
Minimum Loss Network Reconfiguration Using Mixed-Integer Convex Programming
, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol: 27, Pages: 1106-1115, ISSN: 0885-8950This paper proposes a mixed-integer conic programmingformulation for the minimum loss distribution network reconfigurationproblem. This formulation has two features: first,it employs a convex representation of the network model whichis based on the conic quadratic format of the power flow equationsand second, it optimizes the exact value of the network losses.The use of a convex model in terms of the continuous variables isparticularly important because it ensures that an optimal solutionobtained by a branch-and-cut algorithm for mixed-integer conicprogramming is global. In addition, good quality solutions with arelaxed optimality gap can be very efficiently obtained. A polyhedralapproximation which is amenable to solution via more widelyavailable mixed-integer linear programming software is also presented.Numerical results on practical test networks including distributedgeneration show that mixed-integer convex optimization is an effective tool for network reconfiguration.
Journal articleJabr RA, Martins N, Pal BC, et al., 2012,
Contingency Constrained VAr Planning Using Penalty Successive Conic Programming
, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol: 1, Pages: 545-553, ISSN: 0885-8950This paper presents a new method for VAr planning under multiple operating scenarios, optimizing sizes and locations of new reactive compensation equipment to ensure that both the system voltage profile and voltage stability requirements are met. The approach is based on ${mbi L}_{1}$-norm regularization for finding a solution with minimum VAr installation sites and on the ${mbi L}_{2}$-norm penalty function for satisfying the multiple state constraints. The ${mbi L}_{2}$-norm penalty function is exact in the sense that a finite penalty parameter is required to establish equivalence with the VAr planning problem, thus avoiding numerical ill-conditioning. The solution is obtained from a successive conic programming algorithm which makes use of adaptive trust-region control. The results of the new method are compared with those of an optimal power flow-based program for VAr planning.
Journal articleBell KWR, Fenton B, Griffiths H, et al., 2012,
Attracting Graduates to Power Engineering in the U.K.: Successful University and Industry Collaboration
, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol: 1, Pages: 450-457, ISSN: 0885-8950The power industry in many parts of the industrialized world faces major challenges over the next two decades to renew ageing networks, accommodate new generation, especially renewables, and make grid operation “smarter”. This requires increasing numbers of professionals, but in many places, the industry faces great losses in personnel and experience as senior engineers retire. As a consequence, the industry needs to recruit a new generation of well-qualified electrical engineering graduates. This paper describes one particular initiative to attract school leavers into engineering and electric power engineering in particular: the U.K.'s “Power Academy”. The main features of the scheme and its success to date are described along with the new challenges and various issues that remain to be addressed. These include the need for “engineering leadership” and career progression for technical specialists. It is argued that companies' continued investment in schemes like the Power Academy is essential to meet the challenges faced by the power industry and to ensure a healthy future supply of professional engineers
PatentTrainer DR, Crookes RW, Green TC, et al., 2012,
Voltage Source Converter with Enhanced DC Fault Response
, WO/2012/013248 -
Journal articleMoreno R, Pudjianto D, Strbac G, 2012,
Integrated reliability and cost-benefit-based standards for transmission network operation
- Cite
- Citations: 16
Journal articleSturt A, Strbac G, 2012,
Efficient Stochastic Scheduling for Simulation of Wind-Integrated Power Systems
, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER SYSTEMS, Vol: 27, Pages: 323-334, ISSN: 0885-8950- Author Web Link
- Cite
- Citations: 89
Journal articleSturt A, Strbac G, 2012,
Value of stochastic reserve policies in low-carbon power systems
- Cite
- Citations: 3
Conference paperHanrahan B, Feldman J, Misra S, et al., 2012,
Off-The-Shelf MEMS for Rotary MEMS
, IEEE MEMS, Publisher: IEEE, ISSN: 1084-6999 -
Journal articleCaro E, Singh R, Pal BC, et al., 2012,
An Incremental PMU Placement Method for Power System State Estimation
, IET Generation Transmission and Distribution, Vol: 6, Pages: 922-929This study focuses on the selection of the most effective location of phasor measurement units (PMUs) in the network for the purpose of state estimation. The reduction in the error of the estimated states, that is, the quality improvement of the estimate, is the objective used to select the most appropriate allocation of PMUs. The concept of participation of various states into the uncertainty of the error is applied to identify the most important states influencing the estimated errors. Unlike other methods, the proposed technique considers all the elements of the state error covariance matrix and therefore addresses the impact of correlations between the errors. The effectiveness of the method has been demonstrated on the standard IEEE 14-bus and IEEE 57-bus system models. The comparison of performance with other existing measurement placement techniques targeting the same objective reflects the effectiveness of the participation factor-based approach.
Journal articleKunjumuhhamed LP, Singh R, Pal BC, 2012,
Robust Signal Selection for Damping Inter-area Oscillations
, IET Generation Transmission and Distribution, Vol: 6, Pages: 404-416, ISSN: 1751-8687This study reports an approach of selecting effective feedback signal to damp out electromechanical oscillations in the power system under unpredictable supply and demand situation. The idea of minimum variance of the modal residue has been utilised to select a signal which is very effective over a large number of operating conditions. A minimal variation of residue results in minimal deviation in damping performance from the desired level. The effectiveness of the method is demonstrated in a 16-machine, 68-bus NETS-NYPS test system and 46-machine, 190-bus practical Mexican interconnected system models.
Journal articleSimfukwe D, Pal BC, Jabr RA, et al., 2012,
Robust and Low Order Design of FACTS and Power System Stabilizers for Oscillations Damping
, IET Generation Transmission and Distribution, Vol: 6, Pages: 445-452, ISSN: 1751-8687The study presents a method for the coordinated design of low-order robust controllers for stabilising power system oscillations. The design uses conic programming to shift under-damped or unstable modes into a region of sufficient damping of the complex plane and involves two stages. The first stage is a phase compensation design that accounts for multiple operating conditions with flexible AC transmission systems (FACTS) and power system stabilisers (PSS), unlike our earlier approach involving PSS only. The second stage is gain tuning. This is done effectively in a coordinated way using conic programming. An example demonstrates the method's ability to design coordinated FACTS and PSS controllers resulting in damping oscillations over all given operating conditions of the power system with very simple and low-order control structure.
Conference paperMylvaganam T, Fobelets K, Jaimoukha I, 2012,
Optimal Design of Nanowire Array Based Thermocouple
, 9th European Conference on Thermoelectrics (ECT), Publisher: AMER INST PHYSICS, Pages: 17-20, ISSN: 0094-243X
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