A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R| S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
- Academic governance Central College information including academic and exam regulations, academic policy and procedures
- Accommodation
- Alumni
- Appeals and complaints - information and guidance
- Assessment
- Attendance and absence
- Attendance app
- Blackboard - Piazza log-in (Blackboard is not for exam registration, please see Options Registration pages)
- Blackboard - Piazza user guide
- Bursaries and scholarships
- Careers Service
- Centre for Academic English
- Chaplaincy - Faith, spirituality and religion at Imperial
- Choose your optional modules
- Complaints and appeals procedures and guidance
- Counselling and Mental Health Service
- Graduation
- Graduate Teaching Assistants (GTA)
- Graduate School - Professional Development Programme for Master's Students
- Graduate School - Information and support for all Masters and PhD students
- Health Centre
- Health, safety and security in the department
- Help for wellbeing and non-academic issues in the EEE Department
- Horizons (Centre for Languages, Culture and Communication)
- IET (Institute of Engineering and Technology)
- Imperial College Union
- Intellectual property rights policy
- International students
- IT and online services
- Lecture recording (Panopto)
- Library (Central Library and services)
- Library (EEE Subject Librarian contact)
- Linear Algebra: a short study
- Mental Health Advice Service
- Mitigating circumstances
- Module catalogue
- Modules selection and registration
- MSc individual research project
- Personal Tutors
- Plagiarism (cheating)
- Plagiarism Awareness - mandatory online course
- Posters (MSc project)
- Postgraduate Staff/Student Committee
- Printing and photocopying
- Postgraduate Prizes
- Professional Skills Development - For MSc students, Graduate School
- Programme specifications
- Project (MSc)
- Reading lists (MSc Courses)
- Register your optional modules
- Registry - Imperial College Registry - administration of all academic matters
- Regulations - Imperial College regulations
- Records and data (Imperial College Registry)
- Report + Support is an online tool you can use to tell us about incidents you have experienced or witnessed that have made you feel unwelcome or unsafe which could include bullying, harassment, sexual violence or harassment, racial or religious discrimination, homophobia, transphobia, disability discrimination and more.
- Resitting Examinations
- Safety and security in the department
- Scholarships and bursaries
- Software shop
- Sport Imperial
- Stores
- Student hub - advice and information centre for key student services
- Student/staff committee - Postgraduate student representation
- Student self service- update contact details, view marks at My Imperial
- Student Support Zone
- Student surveys - Postgraduate
- Student Union - Postgraduates
- Success Guide - Imperial College guide to successful study
- Term dates
- Terms and Conditions - legal matters, all in one place
- Timetables
- Transcripts and official documents (request via Registry)
- Tuition fees
- Wellbeing and advice in the department
- Wellbeing during revision and exams - advice and resources
- Wellbeing - Student Support Zone
- Wellbeing and advice (Imperial College Union)