• Support for your studies EEE is organised through a system of Personal Tutorials and Study Groups. Programmes are also in place to help students who may need extra help with English and Mathematics. Please take a look at the links below.
  • We strongly recommend that all students read the Imperial Success Guide, which has lots of useful information on how to get organised and get the most from your studies.
  • Information on learning support for students with disabilities can be found at Imperial's Disability Advisory Service.
    The departmental contact for students with disabilities is Ms Emma Rainbow,

Support for dyslexia/SpLDs

picture of pen and paperIf you don’t know that you have dyslexia or a specific learning difficulty, it can make studying efficiently much harder. Along with reading and writing frustrations, do you have inefficiencies with organisation and planning, memory, time awareness, directions, concentration and/or information processing?

If so, please contact the Disability Advisory Service.

How we support you