An unexpected event, outside your control has happened and is affecting your academic performance.
In first instance, contact your personal tutor for advice.
Short term impact
Sometimes events happen that are outside your control and interfere with your performance. If it is something that is short time that prevents you to e.g. submit your coursework on time, then you many request an extension. Extensions requests are sent to the Associate Senior Tutor Prof. Zahid Durrani. Office hour is: Thursdays, 1-2 PM in Room 704, 7th Floor EEE Building.
Find out more about Extensions.
Longer term impact
Sometimes unexpected events happen that have a direct impact on your ability to sit an exam or that have a long-term impact on your ability to study, or sit assessments, which cannot be mitigated via special exam arrangements, or study support, or extensions to deadlines.
Imperial provides information to help you decide if an event can be considered a mitigating circumstance. If you think you have a case, then you can submit a mitigating circumstances claim on our department's Claims must be submitted via the Department's app, please do not use the form on the Imperial Mitigating Circumstances page. You are required to submit professional evidence for your claim. You can contact the Senior Tutor, Prof.
What happens when you submit a mitigating circumstances claim on the app?
The MC app is monitored and the student support team: Senior Tutor, Associate Senior Tutor, Student Wellbeing Advisor and Department Disabilities Officer will meet to evaluate the claim, check the evidence and make recommendations to the Mitigating Circumstances Board (MCB). In most cases, the student support team will be able to make decisions.
Either your claim is rejected because it is deemed not a mitigating circumstance (unexpected, outside your control and having an impact on performance) or does not have acceptable evidence.
Your claim is accepted if the conditions for mitigating circumstances are met and evidence provided.
An accepted claim does not yet define what actions will be taken, it just means that we accept that something unexpected and unforeseen has happened to you. The action that can be taken will depend on the impact the MC event had on your academic achievement. For instance, if an assessment is failed due to MCs, a fresh assessment for uncapped marks can be offered at the next available assessment opportunity. Where an assessment is not failed, no action will be taken but your case will be considered by the Board of Examiners upon graduation when your marks is not more than 5% from a grade boundary. Another action can be to put special exam arrangements in place for future assessments. This will be determined at the time assessment marks are submitted and will need to be approved by the MCB. Note that approved MCs cannot add marks, thus it is always better to find help early.
A claim can also remain pending if we are awaiting evidence or if due to its complexity it needs to be decided by the MCB. The MCB comes together once a term. Pending claims will be automatically removed from the database when evidence remains unavailable after a month of submission.
Another action can be to put special exam arrangements in place for future assessments.