Teaching Tab
*Teaching material will be added progressively to this site
CIVE96008 - Structural Dynamics - SDOF Systems (2020-21)
Coursework video submission: Single degree of freedom with sloshing damping
The aims of this module are:
- To provide students with a general grounding in the basic concepts and principles of dynamics as applied to structural engineering problems.
- To introduce the students to the most common dynamic phenomena in structural engineering and train them in the application of appropriate idealization approaches, their analytical formulation and their mathematical solution.
The module is divided in two parts dealing with single- and multi-degree-of-freedom systems, respectively. Only the material corresponding to the first part is provided below.
CI3-339 - Dynamics of Structures (Undergraduate, 2017)
This course introduces the fundamentals of structural dynamics, and provides students with practice in the calculations required for the modelling, design and assessment of structures subjected to the most common types of dynamic actions. The course is divided in two parts dealing with SDOF and MDOF. Only the material corresponding to SDOF systems is offered below.
Pre-lecture material: Lecture 01 | Lecture 02 | Lecture 03 | Lecture 04
Lecture notes: Lecture 01 | Lecture 02 | Lecture 03 | Lecture 05
Tutorials: T-01 | T-02 |T-03 | T-04 | T-05 | S-01 | S-02 | S-03 | S-04 | S-05
CI9-STR-08 - Structural Dynamics (Postgraduate, 2017)
The course offers a general grounding in the basic principles of dynamics as applied to conventional structures. It introduces the students to the most common dynamic phenomena in structural engineering as well as their analytical and numerical solutions. The course is divided in two parts dealing with SDOF and MDOF. Only the material corresponding to SDOF systems is offered below.
Pre-lecture material: Lecture 01 | Lecture 02 | Lecture 03 | Lecture 04
Lecture notes: Lecture 01 | Lecture 02 | Lecture 03 | Lecture 05
Tutorials and solutions: T-01 | T-02 |T-03 | T-04 | T-05 | S-01 | S-02 | S-03 | S-04 | S-05
CI3-338, CI4-438, CI9-STR-40 - Design of Timber & Masonry Structures ( UG & PG, 2017)
This course is an introduction to the design of timber and masonry structures. It should enable a fundamental understanding of the mechanical basis for the procedures and methods adopted in the design of conventional timber and masonry structures. Only the material corresponding to Structural Timber Design is offered below.
Lecture notes: Book.pdf
Coursework: Guidelines.pdf
Jupyter Notebooks (in Azure): web link
The Low-cost Instructional Shaking Table project aims to build a cheap but versatile shaking table that relies entirely in Open Source sofware and electronics. You can read about this here.
CI3-339 Dynamics of Structures
April 2019: This video documents an outcome of a design, 3D print and test coursework activity developed for Year 3 Civil Engineering students making use of our in-house low-cost instructional shaking table and freeware. The full list of videos can be accessed here.
Shake table demonstration
November 2017: As part of the Civil & Envionmental Engineering Research Showcase, the group presented recent and ongoing research. We also made some shaking table demonstrations, like this one, to illustrate the effects of ground-motions on buildings. The video corresponds to a single-storey rocking frame shaken at approximately 2.5 Hz
Contact us
Dr Christian Málaga-Chuquitaype
Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering
Email: c.malaga@imperial.ac.uk
Tel: +44 (0)207 594 5007
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