Management Team

Professor Peter Childs - Co-Director

Peter Childs FREng is the Professorial Lead in Engineering Design and was the founding Head of the Dyson School of Design Engineering at Imperial College London. His interests in energy include wind turbines, photovoltaic thermal solar, extreme temperature measurement and operation, remote robotic inspection and maintenance, energy storage and energy-enabled industrial strategy. As well as his academic and research interests, Peter is currently Chairperson of Q-Bot Ltd, a company specialising in robotic technologies for sustainable building retrofit, maintenance and construction, and BladeBUG Ltd, a company developing repair and maintenance robots for offshore wind turbine applications.

Dr Fei Teng - Director of Education

Fei is the education director at Energy Futures Lab and a Lecturer in the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering. His research focuses on the efficient and resilient operation of future low-carbon cyber-physical energy systems. He has led and participated in a number of research projects developing methodologies and tools to assess and mitigate the adverse impacts of inverter-based renewable generation and ICT on the optimal operation of power systems.

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Miss Louise McDermott - Events Officer

Louise is responsible for planning and delivering Energy Futures Lab's events programme, including the institute's regular research seminars, workshops, conferences and flagship public lectures. She also coordinates the institute's involvement in a variety of public engagement activities and provides support to the institute's research networks.

Dr Elisa Collado Fregoso - Knowledge Exchange Officer

Elisa is responsible for amplifying the impact of Energy research at Imperial by linking scientists with industry and policy representatives and more specifically by increasing the reach of Energy Future Lab’s Briefing papers.

Mr Jonny Prest - Communications Manager

Jonny is responsible for all communications and outreach activities for Energy Futures Lab. This includes building the institution's communications strategy, promoting success stories, creating and maintaining Energy Futures Lab's materials portfolio and managing the institution's public image.

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Dr Aidan Rhodes - Energy Policy Briefing Papers fellow

Aidan is responsible for the Energy Futures Lab Briefing Papers. These are a range of accessible briefing papers on topics of relevance to energy sector policymakers and stakeholders.

Mr Gavin Eves - MSc Coordinator

Gavin is responsible for administration of the MSc in Sustainable Energy Futures.