
BibTex format

author = {Romanos, P and Pantaleo, A and Markides, C},
title = {Energy management and enhanced flexibility of power stations via thermal energy storage and secondary power cycles},
url = {},
year = {2019}

RIS format (EndNote, RefMan)

AB - Theoperationofpowerplants mustmeetaseriesof requirements in order to enable the increasingpenetration of intermittent renewable energy and theconsequent intensifyingdemandforflexiblegeneration.Itisproposedherethatduringoff-peakdemand,steamcanbeextractedfromRankine-cyclepowerstationsforthe charging of thermal storage tanks that containsuitable phase-change materials (PCMs); during peakdemandtime,thesethermalenergystorage(TES)tankscanactastheheatsourcesofsecondarythermalpowerplants in order to generate power, for example asevaporators of organic Rankine cycle (ORC) plants thatare suitable for power generation at reducedtemperatures and smaller scales. This type of solutionoffers greater flexibility than TES-only solutions thatstore thermalenergyand then release thisback to thebasepower station,in thatitallowsbothderatingandover-generation compared to the base power-station.Theapproachishereapplied toa case studyofa670-MW rated nuclear power station, since nuclear powerstations are generally suitable for baseload generationandthe proposed system configuration could increasetheoperationalflexibilityofsuchplants.
AU - Romanos,P
AU - Pantaleo,A
AU - Markides,C
PY - 2019///
TI - Energy management and enhanced flexibility of power stations via thermal energy storage and secondary power cycles
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