Ana Teresa Moreno Ruiz García

Born and raised in Mexico, Ana became passionate about sustainable energy during her undergraduate course on B.Sc. in Sustainable Development Engineering at the Instituto Tecnológico de Monterrey (ITESM). Her work experience includes wind resource analysis, renewable projects development and energy account management. After four years of professional experience, she decided to pursue the MSc in Sustainable Energy Futures at Imperial College London to gain an international perspective of the energy sector that can be useful to analyse future renewable projects in Latin America considering its technical, economic and policy context.

Project titleViability of PPA agreements in low carbon electricity markets: a UK case study


Anna Hardisty

Before joining the MSc, Anna gained a BSc in Physics. Her research interests lie in understanding the interactions between technological development and governance; in particular, how this relationship may be harnessed in the transition towards a sustainable energy system.

Project titleThe Role of Collective Intelligence in the Development of Possible Net Zero Transformations


Anyi Tong

During my undergraduate study in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Birmingham, I developed a strong interest in sustainable energy after studying relevant courses. Aware of the challenging global emission situation that the world is facing, I believe renewable energy will be one of the most important topics in the future. Therefore, I decided to join the Sustainable Energy Futures MSc course to learn more information and knowledge about low carbon technologies and how to achieve a net-zero world. In the future, I would like to work in the energy sector, especially in sustainable buildings.

Project title: Design and evaluation of rainwater harvesting systems for commercial buildings in the UK


Aranzazú Oviedo Viviant

Aranzazu is an Environmental Engineer from the Polytechnic University of Madrid. After finishing her studies, she worked in the Technical Manager of the Spanish Gas System in Madrid. While working there she decided to obtain a broader understanding of the energy sector, its policy, and economics, which led her to join the MSc Sustainable Energy Futures. She believes that hydrogen will play a crucial role in the energy transition and is prone to continue professionally growing within this area.


Project titleLife Cycle Assessment of green hydrogen supply and its use in an industry cluster


Ariella Shalev

During my masters in Biochemistry, I understood that mitigating climate change requires not only a range of multi-disciplinary solutions, but also a collective cooperation between all actors. Joining Sustainable Energy Futures provided both the broad background of the current challenges and pathways of reaching net zero, and the opportunity to explore in depth the social and political structures that prevent the adoption of existing solutions. I aim to be part of the transition to a more cooperative, inclusive, and just approach to addressing climate change.

Project title: The role of participatory futures in reaching Net Zero


Arthur Pereira

Before joining Imperial, I was a Mechanical Engineering student at the University of Washington, USA. During my studies, I was a member of the Human Powered Submarine team which nurtured my love of technical analysis. I was born in France but have had the pleasure of growing up internationally. This global experience has shaped my openness toward growth bringing me to the SEF master. Using the knowledge acquired during the course I desire to help develop and foster the societal change needed for the energy transition to occurs.

Project title: Exploration of Aggregating Management of Solar Projects in Urban Industrial Environment


Avik Datta

Since graduating, Avik worked in telecommunications for companies such as Vodafone, Cable & Wireless and Liberty Latin America. During his career he had a number of roles in R&D, strategy, business development, network engineering & operations, having lived & worked in 8 countries. His last role was as Group Director for Mobile Network Operations at Liberty Latin America where he was responsible for operations of the mobile networks in 20 countries across the Caribbean and Latin America. Avik joined the SEF class 2020/21 to explore his growing interest in sustainability whilst taking a break from industry. Avik is also a Fellow of the Institute for Engineering & Technology.


Project title: Quantifying the Economic and Consumer Value Benefits of eRoaming in the UK's EV Charging Ecosystem


Baptiste Kas

Baptiste previously graduated in General Engineering in Paris while studying Economics & Sociology at the same time. Always interested and motivated by complex challenges at the interface between technical and socio-economic problems, he then decided to complete the MSc in Sustainable Energy Futures at Imperial College London to develop an expertise on the energy sector from a cross-disciplinary perspective and to join the generation that will lead the transition to a sustainable future in the coming decades.

Project title: Achieving Low Abatement Cost in Industrial Energy Systems: Combining Concepts Hierarchically


Blanca Alvarez Lopez

Due to my rustling collaboration in my father's company that extends to this day, one day I saw clearly my vocation to be a civil engineer, since through the application of scientific knowledge, engineers are determined to improve and ensure the benefit of the greater social good. From a really young age, I was involved with many technical and business aspects of diverse projects of PV parks for water pumping. Following my passion on large sustainable energy infrastructure projects, I went abroad to outstandingly complete my studies while juggling with my volunteering activities and my studies on languages and arts, outlining the completion of a bachelor's in music.

Project title: Designing the optimal municipal bio-waste strategy: Redevelopment project in Old Oak and Park Royal


Camille Daveau

After an engineering degree in the French university CentraleSupélec, and a placement year New Zealand, Camille decided to explore ways of dealing with sustainability in the energy and transport sectors by pursuing the MSc Sustainable Energy Futures. Whilst gaining experience in energy challenges and technical solutions to reach Net Zero, it was a great opportunity to learn about related economic and social challenges. The course was a great addition to her engineering background, and broadened her perspective on the huge challenges the future holds. This experience will help her to positively drive change in industry.

Project title: Smart and flexible HVAC management framework for commercial buildings


Camille Griton

After two years of intensive training in mathematics and physics, I entered the French school of engineering 'CentraleSupelec' in 2017. For two years, I studied general engineering there, but I developed a special interest in the subject of energy. I then decided to do two 6-month internships in this sector: one at 'Ecube strategy consulting', a consultancy firm specialised in energy in Paris, and one at Veolia in Hong Kong, where I worked on biomass boilers projects. These two enriching professional experiences confirmed my will to play a role in the energy transition. I therefore enrolled in this Sustainble Energy Futures MSc as a first step towards this goal!

Project title: Modelling and characterisation of “Active” buildings in the residential built environment


Camille Plessis

My name is Camille Plessis, I come from France and I am 23 years old. I am currently doing the Msc Sustainable Energy Futures at Imperial College in London. Before that, I have done my studies in France at Ecole Polytechnique, a French multidisciplinary engineering school. There I specialized in Energies, studying mostly Mechanical Engineering, Economics, Physics and Computer Science. I am very interested in the energy transition towards renewable energies and would like to work in this field in my life.

Project title: Sensitivity analysis of offshore wind energy models


Christopher D’Cruz Tambua

Christopher graduated with an undergraduate degree in Physics from University College London. During his time there, Christopher developed a strong appreciation for the fundamental mechanisms of the world, as well as the growing necessity to assist with the current trajectory of climate change using new, renewable technologies. For a smoother transition towards a sustainable energy future, Christopher intends to contribute by using data-driven approaches via data analytics to gain insight on potential improvements to energy efficiency and consumption.

Project title: Modelling Residential Energy Demand with Limited Observability of Occupant Behaviour


Damien Calvet

When completing an engineering degree at Ecole Centrale de Lyon in France, Damien obtained a strong technical and scientific background in a large base of subjects: Physics, Chemistry, Mechanical and electrical engineering. He then worked few months in an energy start-up in Singapore which convinced him to pursue his career in the energy sector. Because Damien was motivated to learn more about the relationships between technical skills, politics and business in the energy sector he completed his studies with the MSc Sustainable Energy Futures.

Project Title: Optimal Smart Energy System Control: an application to the case study of Swindon


Daniel Leon Krause

Daniel holds a BSc in Industrial Engineering and Management from the Technical University of Berlin. Following an excursion to corporate strategy for a robotics firm, Daniel decided to pursue his passion for clean technology entrepreneurship. His final research project in Berlin culminated in a peer-reviewed publication and supported an industry demonstration project for smart EV fleet charging. After completing the MSc in SEF, Daniel hopes to utilise his analytical and entrepreneurial skillset to help accelerate the sustainable transformation of our global economy in a start-up, in sustainable venture capital or in sustainable consulting.

Project title: Factoring digital innovations for energy demand sectors into climate change mitigation


Daniel Trenins

After graduating from Riga State Gymnasium No. 1 with an IB Diploma, I began my undergraduate studies at Warwick. For my final project, I analysed the economic benefits of installing winglets on commercial aircraft. Upon completing this project I came to fully appreciate the importance of a holistic analysis of any engineering solution, and, due to my interest in the development of technologies for the benefit of both mankind and the environment, I chose the Sustainable Energy Futures MSc, a course that ensures a well-rounded understanding of both the technical and economic aspects of energy technologies that will define our future and lead to a more sustainable world.

Project title: Analysing the effects of battery pack degradation on EV charging costs using a semi-empirical model


Demir Kabylbayev

Demir has an extensive experience in oil & gas industry and management consulting across Central Asia and South America. Coming from the fossil fuel dominated country and foreseeing the future challenges of low carbon energy transition in his native country, he applied to UK Chevening scholarship and obtained an opportunity to pursue MSc Sustainable Energy Futures at Imperial College London. That interdisciplinary course revealed current and future technical, economic, regulatory challenges and complexities in the diverse energy sector. As hobbies, he enjoys electronic music, chess, astrophysics and good debates.

Project title: The role of Combined Heat & Power in Net Zero world


Fatima Hermosin Acasuso

Fatima moved to the UK to complete her undergraduate degree in Product Design Engineering. As part of her degree, she completed a placement year in the EV industry, what made her realised the challenges that the industry was facing and significantly increased her interest in low carbon technologies. Pursuing her ambition of expanding her technical knowledge and gaining a holistic view of the pathway needed to achieve net zero targets, Fatima joined the Sustainable Energy Futures MSc. She is very interested in energy storage, particularly batteries, and how these will play a key role to provide flexibility and make this energy transition economically feasible.

Project title: A life cycle analysis of storage batteries for PV water pumping systems in Sub-Saharan remote areas


Giulia Franceschini

Giulia gained a BSc in Physics from UCL and worked for two years at Cisco in technical sales before joining the Sustainable Energy Futures MSc. Her research interests lie in domestic energy demand reduction and in understanding how a people-centred approach to policy and technology can deliver sustainable energy systems. After the masters she will start a PhD at UCL, as part of the EPSRC and SFI Centre for Doctoral Training in Energy Resilience and the Built Environment.

Project title: Systematic review of the research on fuel poverty and disability in the UK private rented sector


Guilherme Raposo Diniz Vieira

Guilherme has a bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Brasilia. During this period, he did an internship at the Brazilian Electricity Regulatory Agency and an exchange programme in Ireland, where he studied sustainable energy & business and decided to pursue a career in the sustainable energy sector. To be prepared for this challenge, he applied for the MSc in Sustainable Energy Futures, where he had the opportunity to combine his previous studies with the latest sustainable technologies and develop a whole-system perspective. He is keen to apply his skills to accelerate the solutions that will enable the transition to a more sustainable and low carbon future.

Project title: Raising Energy Awareness of Dynamic UK Electricity Prices


Halima Abu Ali

My passion for pursuing emissions reduction particularly in the industrial sector stems from my experience in the oil and gas industry. The bid to find solutions to the challenges faced by Nigeria’s energy sector prompted me to join the Sustainable Energy Futures program at Imperial College London. With this degree I hope to pursue a career in the clean energy sector and to actively participate in contributing towards the promotion of low carbon technologies for a clean future.

Project title: Pathways to Commercialise Carbon Capture and Storage in Integrated Iron and Steel Plants


Hector Aguirre

I was born and raised in Madrid where I lived until the age of 18. In 2016 I decided to move to the UK, leaving Madrid for the first time. I was admitted to study Mechanical Engineering at the University of Bath and, after 4 years, I graduated with first-class honours. During my degree I also worked as an intern for BP and Scottish Power, which made me develop a strong interest in the energy sector and lead me to start an MSc in Sustainable Energy Futures at Imperial College. After my graduation I will start my career in the energy sector as a Carbon & Energy Consultant at Jacobs where I hope to take a step towards my goal of making a positive contribution.

Project title: Optimal Design and Techno-economic Assessment of Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems


Ilya Turchaninov

Upon completing an undergraduate degree in biology, Ilya had the opportunity to work in rural Alaska managing commercially important animal species. During this time, it became evident to him that Alaska's sustainable energy infrastructure is insufficiently developed and that its expansion is vital to the survival of rural communities. His desire to make a significant positive impact on Alaska's energy future led him to the SEF course. Moving forward, he seeks to use his newfound political, technical, and economic knowledge to implement positive change in Alaska and other communities.


Project title: Challenges with the expansion of fast-charging infrastructure in Alaska


Imran Mohamed Marwa

Imran completed his undergraduate studies in Electronic and Electrical Engineering at Loughborough University and found an interest in power systems. Being a sustainable development enthusiast, he recognised the impact of energy insufficiency (in the socioeconomic context) on developing nations. This urged him to pursue further education/experience in sustainable energy, and enrol in the Sustainable Energy Futures MSc. The course exposed students to the technical, economic and policy challenges being faced in the global energy market. Imran is looking to apply the knowledge and skills he has acquired to contribute to developing the power sector and the clean energy transition in Nigeria.

Project title: The Role of Natural Gas in Achieving Energy Security and a Just Transition in Nigeria's Power Sector


Josephine Conway

Josephine’s background is in Mechanical Engineering, graduating with a BEng from the University of Manchester in 2020. Throughout her degree, she developed an interest in how engineering can be used to tackle climate change, address social challenges and achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals. She joined the MSc in Sustainable Energy Futures to further explore global energy issues, particularly the economic, policy and regulatory challenges of the energy transition.


Project titleGovernance of Smart Local Energy Systems: A framework for success


Klara Adams

I grew up in Germany and the US and completed the International Baccalaureate with a focus on maths and sciences. During my gap year in South America I studied Spanish and participated in projects focused on social and environmental sustainability. After spending three years developing a technical background during my undergraduate at Warwick University, I was keen to learn how this is applied in the field of sustainability, prompting me to enrol in the MSc Sustainable Energy Futures at Imperial. My international background along with the skills developed during this Masters provide me with a unique understanding of the challenges the global community faces on our journey towards net zero.

Project title: Modelling the decarbonisation of industry based on publicly available data to evaluate the infrastructure requirements of heat decarbonisation across sectors in Great Britain 


Livio Kaputo

I am originally from Italy; however, I grew up between Italy, North Africa, and the US. Prior to coming to the UK, I completed the Bioresource Engineering Program at McGill University with a focus on energy conservation and environmental impact. Additionally, I have had the opportunity to work for a wide-range of international organizations such as ENEL Green Power, Development Alternatives Incorporated, First Law International and the US Environmental Protection Agency. After graduating from Imperial, I will join Charles River Associates where I hope to continue learning about the technical, economic, and environmental interlinkages of the energy transition.

Project title: Health co-benefits of climate change mitigation: an interdisciplinary model for policy development


Margrethe Gjerull

Margrethe is passionate about creating a more sustainable built environment and in particular to enhance the energy performance of the existing building stock. She holds a Bachelors degree in Architectural Engineering from Heriot-Watt University and started the Sustainable Energy Futures MSc to gain an understanding of technologies and policies that can aid in decarbonising the building sector. After the Masters she will start her career in designing low carbon buildings that can positively influence the net zero target.

Project title: Evaluation of Retrofit Strategies for Supermarkets through Dynamic Simulation Modelling


María José Parajeles Herrera

I’m a Power Systems Engineer passionate about the energy transition focused on the electricity sector. I've been working and researching in the electrical power sector for more than 4 years, always with an especial interest in renewable energy resources integration and the new challenges in the operation of green power systems. After working with the private and public sectors, I aim to continue in a research professional path, where in my day to day I get to face future challenges and help to shape a clean, efficient and intelligent energy delivery system.

Project title: Allocation of Electrical Load Disconnection in Highly Renewable Power Systems


Max Peel

Having graduated with a Masters in Physics, Max joined the Sustainable Energy Futures MSc having worked in the city of London for a Finance Technology start-up. He is here to consolidate his technical knowledge of sustainable energy systems and policy to complement his drive of having a fulfilling career in offshore wind development thereby helping prevent human made climate change.


Project title: Techno-economic analysis of transmissions alternatives for renewable hydrogen from floating wind


Michael Chinoso Azih

"With my skill-set, what is the most useful thing I can do for humanity?". Potentially a cliché, but this has been a focus of mine since I was 16 years old. This focus drew me to pursuing a bachelors degree in chemical engineering at the University of Cape Town and later a masters in sustainable energy futures at Imperial College London. Being born and raised in South Africa, by Nigerian parents, I am passionate about contributing to Africa's future prosperity. My current interests have therefore lead me to deeper thought on energy security issues in the African context.

Project title: Flexible Power Generation via Thermal Energy Storage Integration


Milosz Tlaka

After completing my BEng at Cardiff University while playing Futsal professionally, I became the co-owner of a Thai restaurant in Cardiff and got accepted onto an MBA course. However, I have always had an interest in Energy, especially the economic and social aspects. Thus, I joined this MSc course that enhanced my knowledge and understanding of the field and chose a research project that aligned with these topics. I want to pursue a career in combining technical, policy and business elements for the widespread implementation of practical sustainable energy solutions in both developed and developing countries. For now, I have accepted a position at Amazon that is set to begin in September.

Project title: Pathways to Commercialisation of Hydrogen Boilers & CHPs in the UK Chemical Sector


Mirra Qi

During my undergraduate study in Energy Engineering at the University of Exeter, I have developed great interests in the field of sustainable developments. With the objective of gaining more specialised knowledge and hands on skills in energy sectors, I decided to join the MSc in Sustainable Energy Futures programme at Imperial College London. In the future, I would like to l pursue my career in renewable energy developments, especially in the field of low carbon transition.


Project title: Combined organic rankine cycle and heat pump systems for domestic heating sector


Nadia Assad

Nadia is an energy access enthusiast with a background in Mechanical and Maintenance Engineering. After her undergraduate studies, Nadia did an internship with the National Power Authority in Sierra Leone where she received first-hand experience in the varying problems within the energy-generating sector and the complicated challenges the country faces with the operation of thermal plants. She would spend four years understanding the barriers and resulting consequences of lack of clean energy in the lives of girls and women. These experiences led Nadia to pursue an MSc in Sustainable Energy Futures to acquire the right skills and knowledge to help close the energy access gaps in Sierra Leone and transition the country to clean energy.

Project title: System Analysis of Compressed Air Energy Storage for Grid-scale Electricity Storage


Nicholas Voltis

Nicholas holds a degree in Marine Engineering and Naval Architecture from Newcastle University, where he graduated with First Class Honours achieving scholarships and finishing at the top of his class. His passion for the evolution of the maritime industry sparked his curiosity in sustainable and low carbon shipping. He chose to join this MSc to get an understanding of the energy sector trends and technologies and apply that knowledge to the shipping world. Nicholas will be embarking a consulting career commencing in October, when he joins AqualisBraemar LOC Group as a Marine and Energy Consultant. He aspires to work in energy and oceans to de-risk and drive the energy transition.

Project title: Transient Thermal Behaviour of Composites for Energy Applications


Owen O’Connor

Taking a role in the global shift towards sustainable energy systems has been a goal of mine for almost a decade. Coming from a traditional engineering background, I originally planned on pursuing a career in energy technology research. However shortly after joining the 2020-21 SEF cohort, my understanding and appreciation of the energy transition were completely broadened. I became particularly interested in the digitalisation of the energy sector, which led me to undertake a research project focussing on building innovative artificial intelligence models for electricity price forecasting. I look forward to working in the area of electricity market optimization after graduation.

Project title: Artificial Intelligence for Electricity Price Forecasting: An Ensemble Approach


Paul Frapart

After two years of intensive undergraduate programme I joined the Ecole Polytechnique in Paris where I specialised in environmental science and engineering. Through a wide range of courses about the climate system and the ecological transition I became aware of the need to rethink conventional energy systems and chose to do the MSc Sustainable Energy Futures at Imperial College. Amongst all the practical energy issues I was exposed to, I was most attracted to those related to power generation. There is no mission as beautiful and rewarding as bringing safe, reliable, and green electricity to the greatest number of people. So I will work next year to the development of renewable energies.

Project title: The future of wholesale energy markets with a high share of renewables


Sacha Lepoutre

As part of his BSc in Mechanical Engineering at the prestigious Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL), Sacha decided to feed his long-founded interest in solving climate related issues by spending its final year at Denmark Technical University (DTU). Committed to use his skills as an engineer to solve real world energy challenges, he chose to pursue the MSc in Sustainable Energy Futures programme at Imperial College London. An ambitious, yet pragmatic individual, Sacha seeks to be part of a broader transition towards a more sustainable future by working in sustainable finance or in emerging sustainable markets.

Project title: The role of grid balancing services to enhance profitability of green hydrogen production


Sebastian Kern

Political scientist and economist by training with a focus on all things related to Sub-Saharan Africa. Keen to bridge the gap between technical and financial / strategic mindsets in the future, which is the reason for completing the Sustainable Energy Futures MSc as a non-engineer. Particular interest in helping to bring renewable generation to developing economies and to allow for a broader and more inclusive transition to sustainability. Strong believer in the value of diversity in collaboration - all smart minds need to get on board and work together to solve the climate crisis.

Project title: Evaluating Economic Potential of Offshore Wind in South Africa


Victoria Harvey

My lifelong admiration for the natural world has been acutely defined by my awareness of its fragility. With my studies thus far traversing the boundary between a technical outlet and environmental appreciation, I enrolled in this MSc to further develop my interdisciplinary approach. The climate crisis presents challenges that cross the realms of the political, geographic, economic and cultural that have yet to be fully understood. I hope to develop the skills gained in this MSc to contribute to the just transition that must occur, a transition that fosters inclusivity, equity and progression throughout.

Project title: Greenhouse Gas Removal: Market Development: from emergence to critical mass - UK and US perspectives