Simulating Wave Breaking Loads on Offshore Wind Turbines and Comparing Against Design Solutions

Declan Andrews

Offshore wind is an increasingly important part of the global energy supply mix, but it faces many challenges, including the hydrodynamic loading caused by breaking waves crashing into the support pylons. These forces are difficult to model due to the high non-linearity of the waves, and current design standards do not accurately predict the loads experienced by the structures. This research uses the CFD tool OpenFOAM to calculate velocity and pressure distributions of focused waves in order to calculate the loading on the monopile structure of an offshore wind turbine, and compares these to the forces predicted by existing design standards for offshore structures.


  • Dr. Marios Christou, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering


Enhancing Energy Storage in Biomedical Devices: A COMSOL Multiphysics Analysis of Hybrid Batteries with Gel Polymer Electrolytes

Lorenzo Boustany

This project involves the modelling and simulation of an implantable energy storage device designed for biomedical applications. The device is characterized by its biocompatibility, biodegradability, flexibility, and non-invasive nature. Particular emphasis is placed on the chemistry, electrochemical properties, and material selection to ensure optimal performance and safety. All modelling and simulations are conducted using COMSOL Multiphysics, providing a comprehensive analysis of the device's behaviour under various conditions. This research aims to advance the development of innovative energy storage solutions tailored for medical use, enhancing both functionality and patient outcomes.


  • Dr. Yunlong Zhao, Dyson School of Engineering


Accounting for Environmental and Population Shifts in Photovoltaic Water Pumping Systems

Thomas Dupont

Future environmental and population shifts will impact the water demand on Photovoltaic Water Pumping Systems (PVWPSs). The lack of consideration and adaptability to these shifts, threatens the ability of PVWPSs to meet local water needs. In this project, a model is developed to forecast inter-regional migration for the case study of Burkina Faso under different climate scenarios. Based on these migration forecasts, indicative of potential changes in water demand, the required designs of new PVWPSs and modifications to existing systems can be determined to improve the reliability of future water supply.


  • Dr. Judith Cherni, Centre for Environmental Policy
  • Ange Sahuquet, CentraleSupélec
  • Dr. Simon Meunier, CentraleSupélec
  • Dr. Loic Quéval, CentraleSupélec


Estimating Wind Turbine Degradation Over Time

Adriana Duran

Given the increasing importance of wind energy in the UK's renewable energy portfolio, it is essential to comprehend how wind turbines degrade over time. This study aims to evaluate turbine degradation by utilising comprehensive public data and advanced regression techniques to enhance predictive capabilities and better recognise long-term patterns. It investigates the impact of wind speed, weather conditions, turbine placement, and maintenance procedures on performance and degradation. The findings will help strategies for optimal maintenance, investment decisions, and long-term energy planning.


  • Prof. Richard Green, Imperial College Business School
  • Dr. Iain Staffell, Centre for Environmental Policy


Water Content Measurement in Pressurised Carbon Capture Pipelines Using Raman Spectroscopy

Michael Chang Kurniawan

Carbon capture and storage technologies are essential in mitigating climate change. However, safety and efficiency issues can lead to water content in the pipelines forming hydrates and corrosion. A precise measurement method must first be used to ensure acceptable water levels. Raman Spectroscopy is a method for in-situ water content measurement because it provides accurate and rapid assessments. This project discusses the Raman effect and its application in high-pressure environments, demonstrating its ability to withstand the challenging conditions of CCS pipelines, hopefully enhancing the reliability and accuracy of this spectroscopic technique in real-world CCS applications.


  • Prof. Martin Trusler, Department of Chemical Engineering


Mechanical Analysis of Biocompatible 1D and 2D Batteries: Tension, Compression, Shear, Fatigue

Dylan Li

This project studies the mechanical performance of biocompatible flexible batteries through tension, compression, shear force, and fatigue testing. These tests ensure the battery withstands bodily stresses without compromising performance or biocompatibility. Tension and compression testing evaluates material stretch and compression. Shear force testing assesses resistance to layer sliding. Fatigue testing determines durability under repeated stress. This phase lays a theoretical foundation for future applications, aiming to revolutionize medical technology with reliable, safe power sources for implantable devices.


  • Dr. Yunlong Zhao, Dyson School of Engineering


Integrating the impact of climate change on water resources on the design of PVWPS

Amina Sarah Ouattara

Access to sustainable and reliable water resources is a significant challenge for rural communities in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). Photovoltaic water pumping systems (PVWPS) offer an innovative solution by harnessing solar energy for water extraction. However, to ensure their long-term sustainability and resilience, PVWPS design must consider climate change impacts on water supplies. This project aims to create an integrated framework that incorporates climate change projections and socioeconomic factors into PVWPS design, enhancing water security and sustainable development in SSA.  By addressing this gap, the project will contribute to improving the lives and livelihoods of rural communities.


  • Dr. Judith Cherni, Centre for Environmental Policy
  • Ange Sahuquet, CentraleSupélec
  • Dr. Simon Meunier, CentraleSupélec
  • Dr. Loic Quéval, CentraleSupélec