Programme modules for the MSc in Sustainable Energy Futures

Here you can find descriptions of the MSc Sustainable Energy Futures modules. They are organised by the term in which they run. You can also download MSc Sustainable Energy Futures module specifications.

Course modules

Autumn term

During the autumn term the MSc focuses on Core Foundation modules to provide a solid grounding for students from diverse academic backgrounds.

Low Carbon Technologies

This module aims to convey the fundamentals of modern/future energy systems in terms of their technical properties and economic and environmental impacts. The technologies/systems considered include solar photovoltaic electricity generation, nuclear and wind power. The module will also consider estimation of energy resources and demands along with the main sources of data and methods for analysis.

Methods for the Analysis of Energy Systems

The module provides students with a range of tools for the analysis of energy systems and resources from both technical/capability and environmental impact viewpoints. These will include thermodynamic methods for the analysis of energy systems with conventional thermal power plant and transport cycles used as case studies. The module will also include modelling, simulation and optimisation of energy systems (components, networks and supply chains), multiscale modelling, sensitivity, uncertainty and risk analysis, life cycle and scenario analysis. Typical applications for each method and case studies will also be considered.

Energy Economics and Policy

Topics in this module include energy demand, supply markets, competition, energy policy principles and local, national and regional examples. National and international regulatory and legal environments, energy-economics-environmental models of global impact and policy instruments and market mechanisms for carbon mitigation will also be considered. Cost/Benefit analysis and private investment decision making will be discussed. The module will also provide a platform for evaluating future technologies.

Debating / Research, Consultancy and Project Management Workshops

In the autumn term you will take part in debates focusing on current energy issues. The intention is to use these sessions to develop skills which can be transferred to your project; critical analysis, assimilating knowledge and presenting a point of view. You will also take part in a series of research and consultancy workshops. These are designed to develop skills which will benefit you throughout the project, overall course and after graduating;  group working, communication and personal effectiveness. 

Sustainable Energy Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship in the alternative energy space is critical for its long term success. In this module, we will explore different elements of entrepreneurship from technology commercialisation, product positioning, new market development and financing options among others.  The programme will be centred around case discussions with short assignments to be written on different cases. The cases will draw from both non-energy related areas such as consumer markets or services as well as renewable energy allowing us to gain a broader understanding of entrepreneurship principles.