Panagiotis Adamopoulos

Born and raised in Athens, Greece, he first came to the UK at the age of 18 to study mechanical engineering at Cardiff University. By the time of his graduation, he realised that a strictly technical career did not align with his ideas. Inspired by the multidisciplinary nature of energy as it was introduced in Cardiff, he decided to specialise in energy sustainability and pursue the Sustainable Energy Futures MSc at Imperial College, with the support of the Onassis Foundation Scholarship.

Project title: Wildfires & Powerline Network Design


Mahammad Aghamirzayev

After graduating from the University of Birmingham with a First Class Honours BEng degree in Chemical Engineering, Mahammad worked at BP as an HSE & Carbon Advisor from 2019 to 2023. Before BP, he interned at Schlumberger and the State Oil Company of Azerbaijan Republic as a field and process engineer, respectively. Prior to his research project within Sustainable Energy Futures course at Imperial, Mahammad participated in a research at eiLink R&D Centre focusing on replacing cubic equations of state with the Perturbed Chain form of Statistical Associating Fluid Theory (PC-SAFT). Upon graduating from Imperial, Mahammad plans to support global efforts to achieve the Net Zero goal.

Project title: Technoeconomic Analysis of Electrochemical Upgrading of Pyrolysis Oil


Declan Andrews

After graduating with a BA in Physics from Whitman College and a BSc in Mechanical Engineering from Columbia University, Declan spent two years traveling the United States working as an electrical commissioning engineer. His experiences traveling and working on energy intensive job sites highlighted the importance of sustainability on multiple fronts and led him to the SEF course where he was able to learn about many of the challenges and opportunities in the energy sector.

Project title: Simulating Wave Breaking Loads on Offshore Wind Turbines and Comparing Against Design Solutions


Aiman Ateeq

After completing her degree in chemical engineering, Aiman worked for six years in the O&G sector in process design, with a strong emphasis on energy optimisation. The floods in Pakistan - a climate disaster - and her growing insights into the global climate situation later reshaped her professional aspirations as she decided to navigate her career toward sustainable energy to make a more significant impact and joined Imperial as a Chevening Scholar. This MSc course has greatly expanded her expertise and acumen in the sustainable energy space, preparing her to pursue her ambition of driving energy transitions in the industrial sector and contributing to the development of a carbon-neutral world.

Project title: Modelling policies and behavioral heterogeneities for net-zero pathways in Industrial Clusters


Zemin Bao

With a bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering and a minor in Business Finance from University College London, Zemin pursued an MSc in Sustainable Energy Futures at Imperial College London, driven by the global trend towards energy transition. This program provided a deep understanding of the technological, economic, and policy changes needed for energy transition. His research focuses on the safety and reliability of lithium battery applications in electric vehicles, aiming to develop safer and more dependable energy storage systems. He is passionate about using this expertise to support the broader adoption of sustainable energy technologies.

Project title: Measuring Battery Overdischarge-to-Failure: Investigating Case Deformation Based on Surface Strain


Anthony Belcher

Anthony has returned to academia following a long and varied career spanning financial services, consulting and public services.  His most recent role (founding and leading the sustainable finance function at a large multi-national) led him to the world of sustainability and a desire to apply his varied experience in the pursuit of Net Zero.  He plans to channel this combination of experience, skills and knowledge to support the global race to decarbonise.

Project title: Stimulation of the aviation sectors' net zero transition whilst minimising stranded assets


Lorenzo Boustany

During his time at McGill University as a Bioresource Engineering student, Lorenzo initially believed a career in the agrifood sector was his ideal path. However, in his final semester, an energy analysis class transformed his perspective and future plans. Lorenzo discovered a passion for sustainable energy and chose to pursue further studies at Imperial College in Sustainable Energy Futures. Inspired by Lebanon's energy challenges, he aims to leverage his expertise to innovate in renewable energy, contributing to global efforts to mitigate the climate crisis and ensure a sustainable future.

Project Title: Optimizing Transient Implantable Energy Storage Devices Using COMSOL Multiphysics


Teeratat Bunsantrakul

Teeratat is a sustainability enthusiast. During his studies in Nano-Engineering in Thailand, he developed a keen interest in sustainability technology, particularly energy storage. Pursuing further education in SEF expanded his understanding beyond pure engineering, equipping him with knowledge in policy and economics. Throughout the course, he developed a strong interest in battery management systems, which became the focus of his thesis project. His goal is to contribute to the energy transition towards achieving net zero emissions.

Project title: Design of a Fast Charging Controller for Electric Vehicle Batteries to Optimize Degradation Rate


Sergio Kazushi Caponi

With a BEng in Electrical and Mechanical Engineering from the University of Edinburgh, and a particular interest in Power Engineering, Sergio enrolled in the MSc in Sustainable Energy Futures course to pursue his passion for the energy sector. With experiences in both academia and industry in a variety of engineering fields, he has always been keen to work in multi-disciplinary settings, seeing the bigger picture of the projects undertaken. Through the challenging inter-disciplinary environment offered by SEF, Sergio was able to broaden his horizons in everything energy related, whilst acquiring in-depth knowledge in specific areas, namely in energy storage and modelling through his thesis.

Project title: Recursively adaptive current derating system for battery energy storage systems: a numerical model


Jingyi Chen

Jingyi Chen, a recent MSc student in Sustainable Energy Futures from Imperial College London and a visiting student at Johns Hopkins University collaborating with DOE and NREL. Professionally, she is gaining experience in energy technologies, market research, policy design, and investment analysis through roles at a charging station business, investment company, Alibaba, and McKinsey & Company. Her thesis involved using GAMS and Python to model energy storage and yearly contracts for ancillary services. Through collaborating on international projects with Huawei UK, she gained deep insights into global energy markets and sustainable solutions.

Project title: Optimization Model for Revenue Enhancement and Penalty Mitigation in Balancing Services Market


Karl Christiaens

After completing a bachelor's degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from University College London, Karl decided to further his education and specialize in the field of renewable energy. During his time at Imperial College, Karl immersed himself in studying crucial energy verticals, gaining a deep understanding of low carbon technologies, sustainable transport, synthetic fuels, and energy storage. This comprehensive education provided him with valuable insights into the opportunities within the renewable energy landscape. Karl is now particularly interested in making informed investment decisions that support the growth of energy technologies and infrastructures.

Project title: Monte Carlo-Based Investment Modeling for BESS with a Focus on Raw Material Prices


Thomas Dupont

Thomas’ interest in the energy sector stems from growing up in Australia, Brunei and Oman, three fossil fuel dependent economies taking steps in their energy transitions. Recognizing the importance of technology in improving people’s lives and addressing global challenges relating to energy, water and the environment, Thomas pursued Mechanical Engineering at Warwick. There, a renewable energy and sustainability interest was fostered by designing a solar tracking system, a water quality monitoring device and experience in energy consulting. Thomas joined SEF for its coverage of technology, economics, policy, and their interconnection, essential knowledge for contributing to the energy field.

Project title: Accounting for Environmental and Population Shifts in Photovoltaic Water Pumping Systems


Adriana Duran

Adriana graduated Cum Laude in Petroleum Engineering from the Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS) in Colombia. She specialises in Project Management and is pursuing an MSc in Sustainable Energy Futures at Imperial College London. With a decade of experience, Adriana has developed expertise in technical operations and project management within the energy sector. Driven by a passion for the industry and a commitment to sustainability, she aims to deepen her understanding of sustainable energy systems through her MSc program, contributing to Colombia's energy sector by promoting sustainable development and innovative solutions.

Project title: Estimating Wind Turbine Degradation Over Time


Sara Elashmawy

With a strong interest in renewable energy, Sara pursued a degree in Electrical Engineering, which equipped her with a solid foundation in energy systems. After nearly three years of professional experience, including significant time in the renewable energy sector, Sara sought to deepen her knowledge of sustainable technologies. This led her to enrol in the MSc Sustainable Energy Futures program at Imperial College London. Passionate about advancing sustainability, Sara aims to leverage her expertise to develop and enhance the renewable energy sector in Egypt, contributing to a greener and more sustainable future.

Project title: Optimizing PV and Battery Storage for Commercial Buildings: Emissions and Cost Analysis


Mohamed Elgadal

After completing his BSc in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Khartoum, Mohamed Elgadal embarked on a career in renewable energy, working as a consultant at TEKNO Consultancy Ltd. He quickly progressed to a leadership role, overseeing the design and execution of over 10 MWp of solar PV projects focused on sustainable development, agriculture, and energy access in rural areas across Sub-Saharan Africa. Mohamed gained extensive experience in project development and finance by working with AECF to build a €40 million SME catalytic fund for Sudan’s renewable energy sector. He also provided consultancy services on several projects in collaboration with AfDB, UNDP, KOICA, and KFW Bank.

Project title: Hybrid PPA: Revenue Analysis and PPA Design for A Hybrid Solar and Storage Project in the UK


Miguel Esteva

Having grown up in Mexico City, Miguel got to experience environmental challenges and the effects of climate change at the cost of poorly established infrastructure. Followed by eight years of living in Texas, Miguel got to experience the effects of climate change at the cost of good infrastructure, managed poorly. Focusing on climate resilience through technology and innovation heavily resonates with Miguel's technical background as a Mechanical Engineer (UT Austin), and was the reason for his enrolment in the Sustainable Energy Futures MSc. Miguel aims to leverage his skills to advance the climate technology sector and contribute to the collective effort to combat climate change.

Project title: The state of Carbon Dioxide Removal in Kenya


Panji Fakhruzzaman

After earning his bachelor's degree in electrical power engineering from Universitas Indonesia, Panji started his career in project management, contributing to nationwide grid infrastructure projects at a global energy company. His project assignments in Berlin, Shanghai, and Doha broadened his view of global energy project development.  Motivated by his experiences and the need to expand his expertise, he pursued further education on renewable energy and their intersections with economics and policy, which led him to enrol in Sustainable Energy Futures MSc program. Panji aims to become a professional leader in the utility and power sector, specializing in operations, strategy, and finance.

Project title: Exploring Emerging Grid Energy Storage: A Techno-Economic Analysis of Sodium-Ion Batteries


Sophia Ground

Sophia holds a first-class honours degree in Physics and Chemistry from Durham, where she focused her research on technologies involved in a sustainable transition such as lithium-ion batteries and their recycling, and electrolysers and fuel cells. This, in addition to her internship experiences in sustainable investing and ESG practices, led her to pursue this MSc in Sustainable Energy Futures, which has expanded her skills beyond the technical to include the economic, policy, and business aspects of sustainability. She is hoping a more multidisciplinary skillset will allow her to contribute to the advancement of sustainable energy technologies and policies.

Project title: Assessing the Potential of City Simulation Games in Participatory Urban Planning


Harry Hartowo

Harry graduated from Institut Teknologi Bandung in Indonesia with a bachelor’s degree in petroleum engineering and has more than 5 years of experience in project, subsurface and production engineering in the oil and gas industry. He pursued the MSc in Sustainable Energy Futures at Imperial College London, supported by an LPDP scholarship from Government of Indonesia. Harry's unique advantage lies in his comprehensive knowledge of both oil and gas and renewable energy. Additionally, his master studies at Imperial have equipped him with various insights into social, economic, and technical aspects, empowering him to contribute effectively to Indonesia's energy sector decarbonisation.

Project title: Accelerating the Uptake of CCUS and Hydrogen for Decarbonising Integrated Iron and Steel Plants


Paul Jacquet

Paul's passion for energy issues, driven by his interest in natural sciences and geopolitics, led him to focus on energy engineering during his studies at École polytechnique. Gaining practical experience with an offshore wind farm operating company and conducting research on high-efficiency photovoltaic systems reinforced his belief in the critical role of the power sector in addressing climate change. With Europe’s Net-zero commitment in mind, Paul aspires to contribute to transforming energy systems and markets to ensure access to affordable, reliable, and low-carbon energy.

Project title: Modelling offshore wind energy potential and price cannibalization in Western Europe


Auriane Javaloyes

After two years of studying mathematics, physics and chemistry in a French ' classes préparatoires', Auriane entered the engineering school Centrale Nantes where she specialised in Industrial Engineering. She then decided to enrol in a double degree program with Imperial College London and joined the MSc Sustainable Energy Futures. This allowed her to gain experience in the energy sector, by understanding the technical, economic and social challenges of reaching Net Zero.

Project title: Determining the Probability of Ignition for a Given Area by Hot Particles Ejected from Power Lines


Adeoluwa Jimoh

As an individual passionate about solving problems, Ade decided to study Chemical Engineering as an undergraduate. During this time, she also worked on social entrepreneurial projects to tackle plastic pollution and got a chance to represent her country at an entrepreneurial competition in Silicon Valley. After completing her bachelor’s degree with Distinction, Ade joined Boston Consulting Group where she worked on impactful projects across sectors such as Energy and Climate. Fuelled by interest in these sectors, Ade joined the Sustainable Energy Futures masters to deepen her knowledge. She aims to use her combined expertise to be a change agent in the energy sector.

Project title: Techno-economic assessment of Mini-grids for Agricultural Productive Uses - A case study of Tanzania


Georges Karam

After spending his formative years across 3 countries and 3 continents, Georges completed his undergraduate degree in Mechanical Engineering at McGill University. In the 2 years following his graduation, he participated in the progressive transition to renewable energy in North America, working as a heavy industry project engineer on various power stations including hydroelectric dams and wind farms. Witnessing significant financial and political hurdles the field is facing, Georges decided to enrol in the SEF course. His goal is to make a meaningful contribution in implementing sustainable energy solutions and to play a pivotal role in ensuring a fair and effective transition to Net Zero.

Project title: Modelling and Experimental Characterisation of Automotive Battery Cells


Amani Veronique Victoire Kouassi

After graduating with a bachelor's degree in Geology and developing experience in environmental science and sustainability, Veronique embarked on the MSc Sustainable Energy Futures program to contribute to the energy transition. The experience complemented her background in oil, gas, geothermal energy, and carbon capture, providing her with a deeper insight into the techno-economic and policy factors driving the dynamic evolution of the energy sector. She aims to leverage the skills and knowledge she developed to promote sustainable energy solutions and positively impact the renewable energy industry.

Project Title: Delivering Net Zero Logistics: Total Cost of Ownership Analysis of e-HGV Fleets


Yohan Kumanovic

Yohan, a graduate of École Centrale de Lyon, has a strong foundation in general engineering. He has applied his analytical and technical skills in the energy sector through experiences in solar development and hydropower fleet management. Driven by a passion for global decarbonisation and environmental protection, Yohan enrolled in the SEF program, which broadened his engineering expertise with economic and policy insights into energy issues. This program deepened his interest in electricity transmission, storage and flexibility challenges, as well as sustainable transport. Yohan is dedicated to achieving Net Zero, building liveable cities and ensuring social and environmental justice.

Project title: Enhancing Urban Active Mobility: An Agent-Based Modeling Framework for Decision Support


Michael Chang Kurniawan

Michael is an Indonesian student passionate about the energy sector, particularly carbon capture technology. He holds a bachelor's degree in chemical engineering from a prestigious university and was involved in a sustainable energy research group during his undergraduate studies. His current research focuses on advancing Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage (CCUS) technologies, with the goal of helping Indonesia decarbonize heavy industries and energy generation in the future. Michael aims to provide innovative and sustainable solutions for reducing carbon emissions, contributing significantly to Indonesia's energy transition and global climate goals.

Project title: Water Content Measurement in Pressurised Carbon Capture Pipelines Using Raman Spectroscopy


Brantyo Laksahapsoro

Brantyo's passion for energy was ignited during his petroleum engineering studies at Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia. After graduating, he began a career as an Instrumentation and Control Engineer in the oil and gas industry, gaining diverse experience across various project lifecycles. His interest in sustainable energy was sparked while working on a solar PV feasibility study, revealing the interplay of technology, economics, and policy in renewable energy solutions. This experience led him to pursue further studies in Sustainable Energy at Imperial. He aims to drive innovative and sustainable solutions in the energy sector with his expertise and industry experience.

Project title: Optimisation of PV and Battery Systems for Cost-Effective Energy Solutions in Commercial Buildings


Anthea I Weng Lam

Anthea's commitment to the energy transition stems from her roots in Macau SAR, China, a metropolis known for its resorts with high, round-the-clock electricity consumption. With the Macau Foundation Special Scholarship, she graduated with First Class Honours in BSc Earth Sciences from UCL, specialising in climate models and projections. A pivotal project on residual warming post-net-zero drove her to join the MSc in Sustainable Energy Futures, mastering skills for accelerating carbon reduction across all sectors. Today, she focuses on enhancing quantitative methods to help hard-to-abate industries adopt cleaner production pathways, ultimately contributing to her country's Dual Carbon Goals.

Project title: Modelling the Steel Sector in an Open-Source Energy Systems Model (OSeMOSYS): Japan's Case


Mathis Landy

After two years on an intensive preparatory program in France, Mathis joined the Ecole Polytechnique in 2020, where he specialised in the energies of the 21st century. Fuelled by his passion for the energy sector and his ambition to contribute to a sustainable transition, he chose to spend his final year in the 2023-2024 cohort of the MSc Sustainable Energy Futures. This programme has allowed him to deepen his knowledge across a wide range of energy-related topics, which he now plans to apply in his career, with a focus on renewable energy deployment.

Project title: Understanding the economic value of renewables hybridised with storage


Francisco Larez

Francisco completed his undergraduate degree in Materials Science and Engineering in 2023, also at Imperial. However, while he enjoyed his undergraduate, he felt like it was too focused on academic research and decided to pursue his desire to work in the sustainability sector by enrolling on the MSc to gain a more well-rounded and specialised understanding of the different sectors involved. During terms 1 and 2, Francisco was also simultaneously working on FueGo, an AI start-up for travel. He says, “managing the MSc and FueGo was incredibly difficult and tiring, but it gave me invaluable lessons that will stay with me for the rest of my life”. 

Project title: UK Policy for Domestic Heat Pumps: How did we get here and what are the future outcomes?


Dylan Li

Zizheng Li is currently pursuing a Master's in Sustainable Energy Futures at Imperial College London. With a Bachelor's in Civil Engineering from the University of Sydney, he has a solid foundation in building construction technology and regulations. His research focuses on developing biocompatible, flexible batteries for implantable medical devices, emphasizing mechanical performance and safety. He has published work on the thermal protection performance of composite plasterboards and has practical experience from internships in building design and sustainable energy projects. Zizheng is proficient in using advanced data analysis and modelling tools such as Python, Excel, COMSOL, and AutoCAD.

Project title: Mechanical Analysis of Biocompatible 1D and 2D Batteries: Tension, Compression, Shear, Fatigue


Victoria Li

Victoria graduated from King's College London with First-Class Honours in Electronic Engineering. During her time there, she developed a strong interest and passion for energy generation and storage technologies, particularly batteries. Motivated to gain a deeper understanding of energy technologies, economics, and global challenges, she pursued the MSc in Sustainable Energy Futures at Imperial College London, where she continued battery research for her thesis project. In her future career, Victoria is dedicated to promoting investment in renewable energies, with a vision to facilitate a transition towards a more sustainable future.

Project title: Model-Based Analysis of Battery Degradation and Balancing System Algorithm


Yara Mahmoud

After obtaining her degree in Mechanical Engineering, Yara realized she wished to pursue a career dedicated to sustainability. Growing up in the UAE and Lebanon, she experienced unique environmental challenges and the urgent need for sustainable solutions. The contrasting landscapes of the UAE’s rapid urbanization and Lebanon’s energy struggles fuelled her passion. Intrigued by renewable energy, Yara applied for the MSc in Sustainable Energy Futures at Imperial. Her research focuses on the evolution of batteries, studying the effects of usage on their capacity and effectiveness. Through her work, she aims to develop efficient energy storage solutions and contribute to a greener future.

Project title: The Evolution of Battery Efficiency Over Time


Jérémy Mangin

Passionate about the energy transition, Jérémy aims to contribute to decarbonizing the European grid and revitalizing a sustainable European industry. With a strong foundation in physics, he graduated from École polytechnique where he specialized in energy issues. Jérémy brings hands-on experience from a wave energy start-up and a rich background in nuclear engineering, with a focus on advanced nuclear safety. Deeply interested in alternative renewable and advanced nuclear technologies, he aspires to help bring disruptive innovations to market, supporting a 100% low-carbon transition for the grid and industries across Europe.

Project title: Strategizing a robust British nuclear programme for 2050


Batoul Noureddine

Coming from Lebanon, in the heart of the Middle East, Batoul realizes the challenges and opportunities of energy security and resource allocation in her region and the world. She decided to pursue a career in energy consultancy and sustainable development. She studied Mech. Eng. to gain a robust technical background for energy and economic development projects, then she enrolled in SEF to complement it with the economic and policy aspects. Perceiving herself a citizen of the world, she participated in global leadership programs and sustainability conferences. She aspires to bridge knowledge and resources between her country and the rest of the world, and this is what brought her to the UK!

Project title: Assessing the commercial opportunity of CCUS in an oil-based economy: the case of Saudi Arabia.


Amina Sarah Ouattara

Born and raised in Ivory Coast, Amina's life has been shaped by the critical need for energy security and access. Graduating with First Class Honours in Geology (BSc) from the University of Birmingham, she is deeply passionate about the essential yet intricate role of energy in society and acutely aware of the urgent challenges posed by climate change. Determined to make a global impact, she decided to pursue an MSc in Sustainable Energy Futures, where she can acquire in-depth knowledge. As an emerging leader in the energy sector, Amina aspires to drive transformative change in developing regions like Africa, championing sustainable energy solutions and spearheading a brighter future.

Project title: Integrating the impact of climate change on water resources on the design of PVWPS


Oluwasijibomi Owoka

Bomi is a driven engineering professional with a passion for excellence and leadership. He holds a BEng Honours degree in Mechanical Engineering from Covenant University, Nigeria, and has gained experience in business advisory, conventional energy and telecommunications industries. His recent experience cuts across asset management, project management, and operations capacities. Funded by the Nigerian Petroleum Development Trust Fund (PTDF), he pursued a master’s degree in Sustainable Energy Futures (SEF) at Imperial College London to align his experience with his commitment to sustainability. Bomi is confident that his SEF degree positions him well for the future of energy.

Project title: Developing Net-Zero Carbon Strategies for Nigeria's Industrial Sector via Energy Systems Modelling


Dhani Ramadhani

Dhani graduated from Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia, with a Bachelor of Science in Petroleum Engineering. He has five years of experience as an oil and gas downstream business analyst, focusing on policy analysis, regulatory compliance, and infrastructure development. Driven to contribute to the energy transition and address future challenges, Dhani pursued an MSc in Sustainable Energy Futures programme at Imperial College London. During this programme, he developed a further interest in decarbonisation efforts within the oil and gas sector, aligning his petroleum background with his ideals to promote sustainability in the energy industry.

Project title: Development of a life cycle GHG accounting estimator for oil production


Achmad Rayhan

With a BEng from the University of Indonesia and experience in strategic consulting, Rayhan has a well-rounded understanding of diverse fields. Driven by the urgency of achieving net zero, Rayhan is dedicated to contributing to this crucial goal. This passion led him to focus on the sustainable energy sector, recognizing its fundamental importance in the global landscape. He has a strong interest in power markets, green financing, and the innovative digitalization of the energy industry. His research currently focuses on attempting to derive a large-scale implementation framework for peer-to-peer (P2P) energy trading as an alternative flexibility system mechanism.

Project title: Peer-to-Peer Energy Trading: A Strategic Implementation Framework Formulation


Thomas Rihoy

Thomas holds a BEng in Engineering Mathematics from the University of Bristol. During his time in Bristol, he also worked as an operational analyst in the workforce forecasting branch of the Ministry of Defence. Following a long-standing desire to enter the energy sector, fuelled by a wish to make a meaningful contribution to society and engage with an interesting and dynamic industry, Thomas enrolled in the SEF master’s. This year he has particularly enjoyed learning about the role of policy and economic incentives in the energy transition and using his pre-existing skills in more technical tasks.

Project title: Estimating Distributed Solar Photovoltaic Capacity via Demand Profiles: A Macro-Level Approach


Laetitia Romestan

Laetitia obtained a BSc in Physics and Astrophysics from King’s College London, where she explored thermal systems and heat loops. This experience motivated her to apply this technical expertise to the field of sustainable energy and to contribute to the green transition. By enrolling in the MSc in Sustainable Energy Futures, she deepened her understanding of the intricate issues surrounding the energy transition, including the interplay of technology, economics, and policy. Laetitia now aspires to use this knowledge to specialise in urban energy systems and drive innovative solutions for sustainable cities.

Project title: Optimal Control Strategies for HVAC Systems in Commercial Buildings


Helen Sands

After completing her two-year intensive maths and physics program in France, Helen joined the École polytechnique engineering school. In her third year, she decided to specialize in 21st-century energies and did an internship at the University of Tokyo on the use of molecular diodes as an optical rectenna to harvest light energy. She then decided to deepen her understanding of the energy sector by joining the MSc in Sustainable Energy Futures to help build a just energy transition.

Project title: Modelling Zambia's sustainable development pathways through a CLEWs approach


Lukas Schirren

Before joining the SEF course, Lukas studied at TU Berlin and INSA Lyon, specializing in information and communication technologies and energy data modelling. He gained diverse experience as an intern at BCG, Deutsche Telekom, and Tesla. Notable achievements include developing a business case for battery recycling at Tesla and creating an algorithm to streamline sales metrics at Deutsche Telekom. His passion for sustainability comes from his internship at Ecopals, a start-up for more sustainable asphalt, where he led the financial analysis of the seed round. He is dedicated to driving progress in sustainable energy and aiming for a career in the transformative energy industry.

Project title: Geospatial Least-Cost Hydrogen Production Modeling: A Case Study of Laos


Marie Joelle Seka

Before enrolling in the Sustainable Energy Futures program, MJ earned a degree in Geology from the University of Birmingham with the intention of pursuing a career in the oil and gas industry. However, upon recognizing the detrimental effects of burning fossil fuels on the environment, she opted to further her studies in the pursuit of cleaner, more sustainable energy. The SEF course has provided her with a comprehensive understanding of current sustainable development issues and cutting-edge low-carbon technologies, as well as sustainability as a whole.

Project title: Mitigation and adaptation in aviation


Quillan Shaw

During his Chemistry BSc at the University of Bath, Quillan became interested in the issues around climate change and the importance of creating sustainable, decarbonized energy systems. After graduating, he worked at Drax Group, a renewable energy company, and Infrared Capital Partners, an infrastructure investment manager that invests in many renewable assets. These experiences highlighted the difficulties involved in energy transitions; hence, he enrolled on the Sustainable Energy Futures course for the multidisciplinary approach it offered. His research project focuses on facilitating the realisation of economically functioning Greenhouse Gas Removal value chains.

Project title: GGR Policy Design: The Need for a New UK Net Zero Policy Design Toolkit


Tianchen Sun

As a graduate of North China Electric Power University, I've developed a strong foundation in power systems and renewable energy. My focus has shifted towards power converters, recognizing their crucial role in connecting renewable sources, particularly solar technology, to the grid. Looking ahead, I aspire to contribute significantly to the field of power converters, especially in solar-related technologies. My goal is to develop more efficient and reliable power conversion solutions, driving the widespread adoption of renewable energy.

Project title: Modelling and experimental characterization of automotive battery modules


Edoardo Rui Taricco

Edoardo, a mechanical engineering graduate from the University of Warwick, developed a deep interest in energy writing his undergraduate thesis on emerging photovoltaic technologies. After graduating with the highest final year grade in his cohort, Edoardo pursued the MSc in Sustainable Energy Futures to gain a more holistic and strategic vision of the energy ecosystem. His interests cover the entire energy sector, with a particular inclination for energy economics, funding for emerging technologies, and space-based solar power. Edoardo is dedicated to advancing disruptive energy solutions that will impact people’s lives for the better; whether in an environmental, social or economic sense.

Project title: Investing in Negative Emissions: The Policy Ecologies that will Attract Private Capital


Estelle Vafiades

After two years of French preparatory classes with intensive training in mathematics and physics, Estelle joined Centrale Lyon, a French General Engineering School. During her first two years at Centrale Lyon, she enrolled in a dual diploma Bachelor's in Economics and Management from Lyon 2 Lumières University. Then, she worked for one year in the Nuclear Fuel Division of EDF, the French energy company. She joined the MSc in Sustainable Energy Transition in her third year at Centrale Lyon to apply her technical and economic knowledge to the energy transition and be able to have an impact on current environmental challenges.

Project title: Assessing the EU's attempt to Establish a Zero-carbon Hydrogen Economy


Maria Sofia Velasco Garcia

Maria Sofia is a Mechanical Engineer with a passion for building a sustainable future. Born and raised in Panama City, Panama, she graduated with a BEng in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Glasgow in 2021. Upon graduation, Maria Sofia moved to London, where she worked as an engineer designing and developing energy-efficient mechanical systems for a broad range of buildings, particularly data centres. Maria Sofia is now completing her MSc in Sustainable Energy Futures and aims to use her expertise to tackle climate change and contribute to a more sustainable world!

Project title: Sustainability Assessment of Lithium Extraction from Brines in South America


Aditya Anindito Widayat

Aditya is a student from Indonesia with a passion for the energy sector. In the final year of his bachelor's degree in electrical engineering, he worked on several low-carbon energy projects like Solar PV, Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS), a program to reduce diesel use, and a geothermal power plant. Aditya plans to continue pursuing sustainable energy by developing Solar PV projects in Indonesia to help decarbonize the solar industry. Knowing that sustainable energy is a broad area and requires more knowledge of various options, he has decided to pursue a master's degree in MSc Sustainable Energy Futures.

Project title: Environmental Impacts and Supply Risk Comparison of Post-lithium-ion Battery Technologies


Anna-Bryndis Zingsheim Rúnudóttir

Anna-Bryndís is a manager in sustainability and energy consulting in Iceland. She was an associate lecturer in Energy and Climate at King’s College London, teaching 100+ students about renewable energy technologies. Anna-Bryndís was also a senior researcher for the top book in Green Finance ‘Supercharging Sustainability’.

Project title: Optimal Design and Operation of an Integrated Power and Synthetic Fuel Network with Storage