Students of the Department of Aeronautics are permitted to make use of generative AI tools for the purposes of completing coursework assignments, unless specifically prohibited to do so in the relevant assignment brief. 

All work submitted must be expressed in students’ own words, incorporating their own ideas and judgements. Any ideas, text, or computer code generated using generative AI tools, if included in students’ submissions, must be considered as originating from a third party and must thus be appropriately attributed and cited in line with best academic practice. Guidance on how to appropriately reference generative AI tools as sources is available from the Library (under G for Generative AI). Further guidance on use of such tools, and common issues associated with their use, can be found here.

Failure to properly attribute the origin of 3rd party ideas presented in submitted work, whether from literature or an AI tool, constitutes plagiarism and will be prosecuted under the College’s  Academic Misconduct Policy and Procedure.

Where generative AI tools have been utilised in the process of generating a document or presentation for the purposes of improving the readability, presentations, or language of a student’s original work, a notice of which tools were used, and for what purpose, should appear following the list of references.