Events are held in rooms in the Skempton Building (SKEM) or City and Guilds (CAGB) unless indicated otherwise below.
Details of staff can be found on our Aeronautics Academic, Teaching, Administrative, Technical and Operations Staff website.

Tuesday 1st October 2024

09:00-10:00  Health and Safety Briefing:  Department Safety Officer (SKEM 164) 
11:15-12:00   Department Welcome/Briefing/Prizes/Registration (CAGB 300)
                     Head of Department 
                     Director of Undergraduate Studies (DUGS) 
                     Director of Student Experience
                     Senior Tutor
                     Year Abroad Coordinator
                     Student Wellbeing Advisor 
                     Undergraduate Office Staff    
12:00-13:00  Erasmus/Exchange Briefing (CAGB 300): Year Abroad Coordinator; Assistant Registrar Placement Officer      

Wednesday 2nd October 2024

09:00-10:00  AERO70001/97009 Individual Projects Briefing (SKEM 164): Director of Undergraduate Studies (DUGS) 
10:00-12:00  Imperial Careers Services - Interviews: A Practical Workshop (SKEM060ABC)

Thursday 3rd October 2024

12:00-12:30  Blackboard Learn Induction (SKEM 164) :  Faculty Learning Technologists 
The Scavenger Hunt events will take place with our Director of Undergraduate Studies, Director of Student Experience, Department Teaching Fellows.
13:00-14.00  Scavenger Hunt Lunch in the City and Guilds Foyer (main entrance).
14:00-16:30  Scavenger Hunt (department and wider campus)
16:30-17:30  Scavenger Hunt Prize Ceremony (CAGB 300)

Friday 4th October 2024

09.00-10.00  Department Computing Briefing (SKEM 164) : Director of Undergraduate Studies, Department IT
10:00-11:00  Introduction to Library Resources: Aeronautics Librarian (SKEM 165)
14:00-15:00  AERO70001 Individual Project Health and Safety Briefing (CAGB 664): Department Safety Officer 
15:00-16:00  AERO70001 Indivdual Project ICT Briefing (CAGB 664): Director of Undergraduate Studies, Department IT