Director of Studies

Professor Paul Robinson, Director of Postgraduate Studies

Paul Robinson Paul teaches the Introduction to LabsStress Analysis and Analysis of Laminated Composites courses and is a Project Supervisor for the programme. His primary research interest is in the Fracture Mechanics of Composites.

Paul has worked as a structural engineer at Buro Happold and a design engineer at BAe Systems.

For more information please visit Paul’s professional webpage.

Teaching staff

Teaching staff
Teaching staff
NameCourse(s) in taught programmeProject supervisor
Professor Aldo Baccaccini
Visiting Professor
Composite Systems (Metal, Ceramic, Polymer); Fibres  
Professor John Morton
Senior Research Investigator
Impact; Introduction to Composites (FRP)  
Professor Paul Curtis
Senior Research Investigator
Environmental Effects; Fatigue; Stiffness and Strength  
Professor Peter Cawley
Head of Department of Mechanical Engineering
Non Destructive Evaluation (NDE)  
Dr Ambrose Taylor
Reader in Materials Engineering
Dr Emile Greenhalgh
Reader in Composite Materials
Analytical Techniques; Design Study (Bridge); Mechanical Testing; Stiffness and Strength  Yes
Dr Gary Wells
Visiting Academic
Manufacturing Science  
Dr Mirko Kovac
Revision Stress Analysis  Yes
Dr Silvestre Pinho
Reader in Mechanics of Composites
Technical Writing  Yes
Dr Koon-Yang Lee
Research Associate
Revision Chemistry  
Dr Jonny Blaker
Research Associate
Composite Systems (Metal, Ceramic, Polymer); Interfaces  
Dr Omar Bacarreza Nogales
Research Associate
Finite Element Analysis  
Dr Richard Hamilton
Visiting Researcher
Composite Systems (Metal, Ceramic, Polymer)  
Dr Zahra Sharif-Khodaei
Research Associate
Finite Element Analysis  
Teaching staff
Postgraduate teaching staff
External teaching staff
 BiographyCourses Taught in Programme
Dr Anne Birt
Senior Scientist (Air Division)
QinetiQ Ltd
Over 20 years research experience in radiographic meth ods of Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) including penetrant-enhanced X-radiography and CT inspection. Also involved in projects using ultrasonic and low-frequency vibration methods for both metallic and composite materials inspection. Member of the Technical Committee of the British Institute of NDT and the Institute of Physics.  Non Destructive Evaluation (NDE) 
Dr William (Bill) Broughton
Principal Research Scientist
National Physical Laboratory (NPL) 
Lead scientist for Composites with 30+ years research experience in polymer matrix composites, adhesives technology, polymers, NDE, statistical analysis/modelling and surface analysis. Recent research areas include electrical self-sensing of damage/deformation for condition monitoring, interfacial c haracterisation and optical techniques/analysis for quantitative measurement of nanoparticle dispersion. Academic roles current/previous include External Examiner and Lecturer on Joining Composites for MSc Composites Course (2009 - present) and lecturer on Composites Short Course, Centre for Composites, Imperial College, and Exte rnal Examiner for MSc Advanced Materials, University of Surrey (2009-present), as well as authoring/co-authoring over 160 reports and papers; contributing to 8 books on composites and adhesives. Joining and Repair of Fibre-Reinforced Plastics
Dr Ian Youngs
MOD Technology Advisor for Signature Materials
Ian has been engaged in the research of microwave materials since joining the Admiralty Research Laboratory in 1990 after graduating with a degree in Chemical Physics from the University of Sussex. Along the way he completed a PhD in Electrical Engineering at University College London. Ian's research interests have spanned artificial dielectrics, frequency selective surfaces,electromagnetic bandgap materials and metamaterials. Since April 2004 Ian has been employed at DSTL and is also the Honorary Secretary of the Dielectrics Group of the Institute of Physics. Electrical Properties
Dr Laura Jones
Nanotechnology Lead
Laura has undertaken industrial research at GEC-Marconi, including developing diamond coatings for radome protection, smart sensors, and imaging arrays for medical ultrasound. In 1999 she moved to DERA (later QinetiQ), and led a diverse range of materials development projects for both military and civil applications. Laura has worked for the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl) since October 2008, where she is responsible for developing research strategies and delivering projects in the areas of nanotechnology, smart materials, critical materials and composites to meet key military requirements. Laura is a Chartered Engineer and Fellow of the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining. Electrical Properties
Dr Mike Clifford
Associate Professor
University of Nottingham: Faculty of Engineering
Mike’s primary research interests include appropriate technology, composites processing, dynamical systems and fluid mixing.  Manufacturing Science
Dr Richard Brooks
Associate Professor
University of Nottingham: Faculty of Engineering
Richard’s primary research interest is in impact and crash performance of composite structures and its application in areas of safety. His work has been primarily in the automotive sector, but also other areas such as sports equipment development and protective structures. Manufacturing Science
Dr Robert Smith
Senior Fellow (NDE)
QinetiQ Ltd
30 years of experience in ultrasonics, 24 of which have been on composite inspection. Author of over 95 publications and two patents on 3D characterisation of composite material properties. Collaborates internationally in academia and industry and is President Elect of the British Institute of NDT. Non Destructive Evaluation (NDE)
Dr Stephane Madhi
Expert in Composite Materials & Structures
Airbus Operations SAS
Stephane studied Mechanical Engineering at Aix-Marseille, Composites at Plymouth and Aerospace Materials at Cranfield and finally obtained a PhD from Imperial College London in 2000. Following work experience in the USA (Cen ter for Composite Materials, DE) and in The Netherlands (Airborne), Stephane joined Airbus in 2005. Stephane has led teams and projects in Engi neering Structures and is an Airbus Expert for Composites Materials and Structures. DesignNon Destructive Evaluation (NDE)
Internal supervisors
 Name Name
Professor Alexander Bismarck
Professor of Advanced Mate rials
Professor Eduardo Saiz Gutierrez
Chair in Structural Ceramics
Professor Ferri Aliabadi
Head of Department
Professor Lorenzo Iannucci
Professor of Advanced Structural Design
Professor Milo Shaffer
Professor of Materials Chemistry
Dr Matthew Santer
  Dr Vito Tagarielli

For information on the Internal Projects being offered to current students please visit the postgraduate individual research projects page.

External supervisors

Information about all External Projects being offered to current students, and the supervisors for these projects, can be found on the postgraduate individual research projects page.