Please find below links to full profiles for three of the Department's current students showing their thoughts on the MSc in Advanced Computational Methods programme, the

Department's facilities and student life at Imperial College London.

The students' feedback and suggestions are extremely important to the Department, and therefore every term the Director of Studies for the MSc in Advanced Computational Methods meets with the two Student Representatives for the programme to discuss ways of improving the programme or any difficulties students are encountering.

Examples of what graduates of this programme have gone on to achieve can be found on the Department's MSc Alumni Profiles webpage.

Student profiles
  Kush Asar

Kush Asar
Mode of study: Full time
Entry year: 2012
Undergraduate degree: Bachelor of Engineering, Mecatronics Engineering
Work experience: Quality Control Department, Tanzanian Air Services Limited

See full profile

  Mary-Caroline Carlin

Mary-Caroline Carlin
Mode of study: Full time
Entry year: 2012
Undergraduate degree: Diplôme D'ingénieur Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics
Work experience: Aerodynamics Research Center, Arlington, Texas

See full profile

SaiPrasanth Bhalachandran

SaiPrasanth Bhalachandran
Mode of study: Full time
Entry year: 2012
Undergraduate degree: Bachelors of Technology in Mechanical Engineering
Work Experience: Central Mechanical Engineering Research Institute, CSIR
Labs, India

See full profile

Summary of the table's contents