






The microscopy and imaging facility provides users with access to high specification widefield, confocal, light and fluorescence microscopes, as well as a state-of-the-art micro-CT scanner. The facility is spread across both the South Kensington and White City campuses and includes the specialist Imperial College London and Leica Microsystems Imaging Hub.

The imaging equipment is available to all members of the department plus those from the wider Imperial College community and beyond.

You will also be provided with the expertise of dedicated imaging specialists who will be happy to assist you with equipment training, experimental design, image acquisition and analysis.

All users must be trained by the facilities’ dedicated technical staff before using the imaging equipment. Bookings and training requests are made via PPMS

Locations: Bessemer (South Kensington) and Sir Michael Uren Hub (White City).

Further information can be found on the imaging facilities' dedicated Wiki pages.



Available Imaging Equipment - South Kensington



  • Microscope
    • DMi8CEL inverted 
    • Scanning stage
    • Universal insert
    • Microplate insert
    • LED illumination with DAPI, FITC and RHOD filters
  • Lasers
    • 405 UV laser
    • Super continuum white light laser (470-670nm)
  • Objectives
Working distance
HC Plan APO 10x 0.40 Dry 0.17 2740um


HC Fluotar L VISIR 16x 0.60 IMM incl BABB - 2500um Correction ring (suitable for optically cleared samples using BABB (aka Murray's clear)
HC Plan APO 20x 0.75 Dry 0.17 620um CS2
HC Plan APO 40x 1.30 Oil 0.17 240um CS2


63x 1.40 Oil 0.17 140um CS2
  • Detectors
    • 1x PMT
    • 2x HyD
  • Environmental control
    • Temperature
  • Extras
    • Lightning


  • Microscope
    • DMi 6000CS inverted 
    • Scanning stage
    • Universal insert
    • Microplate insert
    • SuperZ galvo
    • Mercury lamp illumination with DAPI, FITC and RHOD filters
  • Lasers
    • Argon: 458nm, 476nm, 488 nm, 496nm and 514nm
    • DPSS: 561nm
    • HeNe: 633nm
  • Objectives
    • PL APO PH 10x/0.40 dry (WD 2.2mm)
    • PL APO 20x/0.70 IMM (WD 0.26mm water - 0.17mm oil)
    • PL APO PH 40x/1.25 oil (0.1mm)
    • PL APO 63x/1.3 Glycerol (0.28mm)
Working distance
HC Plan APO 10x 0.40 Dry 0.17 2200um


HC Plan APO 20x 0.70 IMM    260um (water) - 170um (oil) Lbd. Bl
HCX Plan APO 40x 1.25 Oil 0.17 100um CS
HCX Plan APO 63x 1.40 Oil 0.17 100um Lbd. Bl


63x 1.30 Glycerol 0.14-0.18 280um CS
  • Detectors
    • 3x PMT
  • Environmental control
    • Temperature

Light microscopes


Leica DM IL LED | Inverted Phase Contrast Microscopes – Microscope Central 

Leica DM IL​

  • Objectives: ​4x, 10x, 20x, 40x
  • Inverted with Phase contrast
  • Attached to Leica DFC295 Camera

Leica DM IL LED | Inverted Phase Contrast Microscopes – Microscope Central

Leica DM IL​

  •  Objectives: ​4x, 10x, 20x, 40x
  •  Inverted with Phase contrast
  •  ​Attached to Leica DFC290 Camera 

Motic AE 2000

  • ​Objectives: ​4x, 10x, 20x, 40x
  • Inverted with Phase contrast
  • Attached to Moticam 2.0MP Camera 

Leica MZ6 dissecting stereomicroscope

  • ​Widefield adjustable eyepieces
  • Schott LED gooseneck lighting

Brunel dissecting microscope

  • ​Widefield adjustable eyepieces
  • Schott LED gooseneck lighting 
 Zeiss Stemi DV4 Stereo Microscope 8x - 32x – Microscope Central

Zeiss stereomicroscope
Stemi DV4

  • ​4x zoom and 100% focus
  • View your samples with precise focus through the full zoom range:
  • From 8x to an impressive 32x magnification
  • Integrated fiber-optic cold light illumination for a fully illuminated field of view


 Motic™ SMZ171 Series Stereo Zoom Microscope Magnification Power: 0.75 to 5X  Products | Fisher Scientific

Motic SMZ-171 Series
Stereo Zoom microscope​

  • Integrated LED illumination for a fully illuminated field of view.
  • Attached to a tablet camera VisiCam TC 10 to allow image acquisition.

Fluorescence microscopes


Zeiss Axioplan epifluorescenc​e microscope

  • ​Upright Epifluorescence and transmitted light (bright field and phase contrast)
  • Objectives: 4x, 10x, 20x (Phase), 40x (oil), 100x (oil)
  • Fluorescence channels : DAPI, FITC, TRITC
  • Fitted with Leica DFC 310 FX camera



​​ Brunel SP105F​ with pE300 LED​
  • Inverted fluorescence microscope;
  • Transmitted illumination - 6v 30watt (bright field and phase contrast available)
  • Objectives: 10x,​ 20x, 40x
  • Fluorescence channels: UV1 - DAPI,
  • B1 – FITC, G1 – TexasRED
  • Fitted with Canon EOS 1200D camera 


Available Imaging Equipment - White City


  • Microscope
    • DMi8 CS inverted 
    • XY scanning stage
    • Z Galvo
    • Universal insert
    • Microplate insert
    • LED illumination with DAPI, 470, RHOD and TXR filters
  • Lasers
    • 405nm
    • 442nm
    • Argon: 458nm, 476nm, 488nm, 496nm and 514nm
    • DPSS: 561nm
    • HeNe: 633nm
  • Objectives
Working distance
HC Plan APO 10x 0.40 Dry 0.17 2740um


HC Plan APO 20x 0.75 Dry 0.17 620um CS2
HC Plan APO 40x 1.30 Oil 0.17 240um CS2
HC Plan APO 63x 1.40 Oil 0.17 140um CS2
  • Detectors
    • 2x PMT
    • 3x HyD GaAsP 
  • Extras
    • Lightning
    • FRAP
    • FRET
    • 3D Visualiser
    • Live Data Mode


Confocal microscope without environmental control


  • Microscope
    • DMi8 CS inverted 
    • XY scanning stage
    • Z Galvo
    • Universal insert
    • Microplate insert
    • LED illumination with DAPI, 470, RHOD and TXR filters
  • Lasers
    • 405nm
    • 442nm
    • Argon: 458nm, 476nm, 488nm, 496nm and 514nm
    • DPSS: 561nm
    • HeNe: 633nm
  • Objectives
Working distance
HC Plan APO 10x 0.40 Dry 0.17 2740um


HC Plan APO 20x 0.75 Dry 0.17 620um CS2
HC Plan APO 40x 1.30 Oil 0.17 240um CS2
HC Plan APO 63x 1.40 Oil 0.17 140um CS2
  • Detectors
    • 2x PMT
    • 3x HyD GaAsP 
  • Extras
    • Lightning
    • FRAP
    • FRET
    • 3D Visualiser
    • Live Data Mode

Specs coming soon

ZEISS Xradia 410 Versa













Spatial Resolution : 0.7 μm

Minimum Achievable Voxel : 70 nm

Resolution at a Distance (RaaD) at 50 mm working distance : 1 μm

X-ray source:

Type: Seal-transmission

Tube voltage range: 30 - 160 kV

Maximum output: 10 W

Detector system: ZEISS X-ray microscopes feature a detector turret with multiple objectives at different magnifications. Each objective features optimized scintillators that deliver the highest absorption contrast details. 

Objectives: 0.4X, 4X and 20X





PC available for image analysis using Imaris and LASX


  • Imaris
  • LASX

Access protocol

Room safety induction and training required before access. Please request training in PPMS: https://ppms.eu/imperial/areq/?pf=5

-- You are responsible for your data. --

Please move your data from the acquisition computers.

  • They really aren't safe places to keep anything
  • Please either move the data (rather than copy) or delete the local copies after you have them safely elsewhere
  • You may keep a copy of your data on a microscope computer for up to one week while you are making sure you have it backed up to your own lab based storage location.
  • We may delete any files without warning if space is required for experiments
  • (Caveat for small files, we understand sometime it is useful to store a reference file (eg to reload settings) so it is fine to keep permanently a small volume of data in a clearly labeled folder)
  • Any files on any computer should be in a folder with your full name or netid on the data drive (please don't use the desktop or "my documents" as it buries the files in places less easy to maintain.