Year Abroad Programme – Application Guidance 

The Department of Bioengineering offers a Year Abroad (YA) opportunity for students enrolled in the MEng Biomedical Engineering and MEng Molecular Bioengineering programmes. This exchange programme provides the chance to study at top universities worldwide, gaining international academic and research experience. 

Partner Universities 

Students can apply for exchange opportunities at the following institutions:

  • ETH Zurich, Switzerland 
  • Grenoble Institute of Technology (INPG), France 
  • National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore 
  • University of California (UC), USA (e.g. Berkeley, San Diego, Irvine, Los Angeles, Santa Barbara, Davis) 

All courses abroad are taught in English, but students are encouraged to learn the language of the host country. 

Each year: 

  • 1 student will be selected from Biomedical Engineering. 
  • 1 student will be selected from Molecular Bioengineering. 
  • For the University of California, only 1 student from the Department will be nominated to compete at the Faculty of Engineering level, but a position is not guaranteed. 

 Eligibility Criteria 

To be eligible for the programme, you must meet the following requirements: 

Academic Performance:  

  • Your overall average score must be above 65% each year. 
  • No individual module should fall below 60%. 

Key Dates & Deadlines 



Application Submission 

1st November (Midnight) 

Shortlisting Notification 

After 8th November 


11th – 20th November 

Study Plan Submission 

TBD (After Shortlisting) 

 Selection Process 

Candidates will be selected based on: 
Academic performance (Minimum 65% average, each year’s score above 60%) 
Motivation (Personal statement) 
Suitability (Interview performance) 
Academic Mentor Support (A support letter) 
Personal Tutor Reference (Personal tutor will be contacted separately)  
Study Plan Approval (Programme Director must approve) 

Final Notes 

  • Late applications will not be accepted. 
  • Carefully review the course offerings at each university before submitting your module list. 
  • If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to 

Good luck with your application!  

Information about the Year Abroad