Bioengineering Industrial Placements
Industrial Placements or Internships are structured work experience placements for undergraduate students. Industrial Placements enable students to apply skills and knowledge developed during BEng and MEng courses to industry. Industrial Placements normally form an assessed part of students’ courses.
Placements can last for one of three durations:
- 3 months during the summer
- 6 months from April of students’ penultimate year.
- 1 year from July of students’ penultimate year.
- A period of 3 months to 1-year if a student has already graduated.
Benefits to employers
The Department of Bioengineering’s Industrial Placements offer employers
- The opportunity to employ an undergraduate student to complete a project or series of projects to high technical standards.
- Access to enthusiastic students with new ideas and insights.
- An opportunity to assess potential future employees.
- The opportunity to invest in engineers of the future.
- Opportunities for the student to meet with a member of staff from the Department of Bioengineering to review progress on the placement.
Benefits to students
- Application of academic study to real world problems.
- Experience and new skills which can be used for future employment.
- Improved job prospects after graduation.
To advertise or discuss your placement please contact:Robert Ferguson
Tel: 020 7594 6371