Watch the videos below from our MRes Medical Device Design and Entrepreneurship students to see their elevator pitches and what they've been working on throughout their MRes programme.
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Ignacio Albert Smet
Presented at the Medical Device Entrepreneurship Elevator Pitch Event, Imperial College, 2019

Sergi Fayos Villalta
Presented at the Medical Device Entrepreneurship Elevator Pitch Event, Imperial College, 2019

Yasmin Kahiye
Presented at the Medical Device Entrepreneurship Elevator Pitch Event, Imperial College, 2019

Kourosh Kamali
Presented at the Medical Device Entrepreneurship Elevator Pitch Event, Imperial College, 2019

Nicholas Stiansen
Presented at the Medical Device Entrepreneurship Elevator Pitch Event, Imperial College, 2019

David Alonso Amado
Presented at the Medical Device Entrepreneurship Elevator Pitch Event, Imperial College, 2019

Nadin Youssef Nassar
Presented at the Medical Device Entrepreneurship Elevator Pitch Event, Imperial College, 2019