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Headstart 2015

Headstart Summer School students pose with the prosthetic arms they made in the bioengineering session

Staff demonstrate latest technology at Imperial Festival

Student Ambassadors at Open Day

Bioengineering Ambassadors at June Open Day 2023

PhD student explains his research to members of the public at the Imperial Festival

Year 10 Bioengineering Taster Day January 2023

Eng Sum Sch

Engineering Summer School students test out the oculus rift as part of the bioengineering session.

Year 10 Bioengineering Taster Day - Spine Workshop


The department of Bioengineering supports a wealth of College Outreach activities as well as running specific department events aimed at raising awareness of this exciting subject, enriching teaching and supporting students and key stakeholders through the application process. 

Events we run and support include Taster Days, Summer Schools, Offer Holder Days and School Visits.  Further details of upcoming events can be found below and are advertised in the College Outreach newsletter.

If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact Jayne Shaw, our Admissions and Outreach Manager by email at be.outreach@imperial.ac.uk   


Information for Schools