Year one regulations

These are the 'Rules' which define how your year one mark is calculated, and what you must do to progress to year two. The Regulations are posted on this webpage before the year starts and may only be changed with agreement from both staff and students.

All exams and coursework, their pass-marks, and their contributions to the overall year mark are stated in this document, along with a description of the marks you must achieve to pass year one, and the implications should a student not satisfy those criteria.

Year one student handbook

The Departmental Student Handbook is issued to you in week one of Autumn term in hardcopy, and is also posted on this page in electronic form.

The handbook contains very important information for your academic life, and also for your life in College outside of work. You should read the handbook as soon as possible after you receive it so that if an event or circumstance arises, you know what action to take, or at least know that the information on what action to take is available to you.

The information in the handbook was correct at the time of going to printing. Students should be aware that occasionally changes have to be made. Keep an eye on the website, and check your emails regularly for updates.

Included in the handbook is information on:

Welcome guide

The Department has produced a Welcome Guide for you, to help you in settle in and find your feet in your first few weeks as a new student here.

Year one coursework deadlines

The Department schedules coursework to spread student workload over the term as much as possible, and to avoid conflicting deadlines. However, there will be times when coursework deadlines are closer to each other - especially towards the end of each term. The coursework deadlines are posted here in advance so that you can plan your work effectively and avoid any work crises.

Even though effort is put into specifying deadlines in advance as much as possible, there may be occasions when it is necessary to change coursework deadlines. The Department will attempt to warn you of any changes as far in advance as possible.

Year one study groups and lab groups

All year one students attend lectures together, but split into smaller study groups, and split into groups for labs. Those groups are shown here.

Competency standards

These competence standards highlight the core skills students should be able to demonstrate by the end of their programme of study in the Bioengineering Department. In addition to these competence standards all students will be expected to meet the basic academic competence standards contained within the admissions policy for their programme of study.