The course consists of a set of core (compulsory) modules, plus a number of optional modules.

Duration: One calendar year, starting in October.

Formal Tuition: lectures and experimental or computing sessions, normally for 4 days per week during the 3 academic terms. Initial choice of option modules is made during the Autumn term.

The first set of exams is held in January (beginning of Spring Term) and the second set of exams in late April and May (beginning and during Summer Term).

Private study and project work: One day per week during the 3 academic terms.

Main project: Choice of main project is made during the Autumn Term and work starts part-time in January but becomes full-time from May to September.

Terms are set as follows:

  • Autumn Term: October to December (Christmas)
  • Spring Term: January to end of March
  • Summer Term: April to end of June

Specific Term Dates can be found on the Imperial College website.


The course is assessed by: (a) written examinations, cove ring each of the taught modules, (b) coursework completed during the first two terms and (c) the major project and the dissertation presented at the end of September. To be awarded an MSc degree, students have to achieve pass marks for the examination, coursework and project/dissertation. Merit grades, and distinctions are awarded for work of very high quality in all three components of the course. Prizes are awarded annually to the best student in the class and for the best individual project.