ChemEng Enterprise: tackling global challenges a spinout at a time 

Upcoming events

ChemEng Enterprise “Spinout Workshop Series”

As part of its decentralised, hands-on spinout support, ChemEng Enterprise is launching a new Spinout Workshop Series. The workshops are intended for ChemEng academics and researchers who are in the process of launching, preparing or thinking about a spinout from their IP intensive research. Next dates are 7 November and 28 November 2024. Find out more/Register interest to attend.

ChemEng Enterprise Day 2025

Our next ChemEng Enterprise Day will be held on 30 April 2025. This is a brilliant opportunity for emerging startup's to showcase their skills to investors, and for investors to have an opportunity to scout our upcoming talent.

Interested? Contact Geetanjali Bathina for further information.
Read testimonials from ChemEng Enterprise Day 2024 attendees.