The primary contact in the Department for finance-related queries is Vani Thuvaragan, Finance Administrator (x45576,, ACEX 308). In her absence please contact Laia Santamaria, Finance Officer (07714051294, or Anusha Sri-Pathmanathan, Department Operations Manager (x45602,, ACEX 307).


Please read the 2016 Expenses Policy for details of the College's expenses policy including guidance about can and cannot be claimed for and rates and thresholds.

Staff should submit expense claims via 'My Expenses' in ICIS. Please read the guide on Entering claims. Once you have completed a claim, print it off, place it in a yellow envelope with enclosed original receipts and deliver it to the department's Finance Office in ACEX 308. Yellow envelopes can be collected from outside ACEX 308. Please do not send your yellow envelopes directly to the Central Expenses Office..

Students and external visitors should fill out an Expense Claim Form which should then be printed, signed by the supervisor or relevant person, and then delivered to the Finance Office in ACEX 308.

Advance claim form.

Casual workers

Casual worked need to register their details on payroll before claiming payment. To register as a casual worker, you must complete two forms:

Casual Workers Letter of Understanding
Pay Form 8A

Please submit the completed and signed forms to the Finance Office (ACEX 308). We will also need to see your passport and visa (where applicable) as we will take a scanned copy (but we must declare we have seen the originals).

To claim payment for your hours, you need to complete and submit a Pay Form 8B.

**Please note casual pay forms must be submitted within 3 months of the work or they can not be paid**

Pay Form 8B

Pay forms are normally signed by the supervisor. Students on teaching and GTA assignments should submit their forms to the Undergraduate Office (ACEX 208). Other casual workers can submit their forms to the Finance Office (ACEX 308).

Current rates of pay (applicable from 1 August 2016 until 31 July 2017) are:

  • Teaching related £14.14
  • Non-teaching related £8.77 (e.g. tours, open days etc.)

Purchase orders

Purchase order forms can be collected from outside ACEX 308.