Information for research staff and students

Useful links

Example Fellowship proposals


Example grant proposals



InfoEd. Contact Aleksandra Szymanska, Research Administrator


Symplectic Elements is the research information management system that Imperial College London uses to detail the publications, funding, equipment and professional activities of our researchers and faculty members. The information in Symplectic Elements is used to populate your PWP and showcase your research and collaborations. Imperial also uses Symplectic and Spiral to ensure that researchers comply with the HEFCE policy for the post-2014 Research Excellence Framework.

Find out more on the Scholarly Communication website or Log in to Symplectic.


Research is an external online system that collects research outcomes for a range of funders to help them track the impacts of their investments. It is used by many publich and charitable funders, many of which require researchers to submit Researchfish returns by specified deadline. Find out more


An ORCID ID is a unique researcher identifier which can be added to your research outputs to ensure that your work is easily distinguished from that of other researchers. We strongly recommend that you sign up for an ORCID ID. Find out more

Analytical services lab

The analytical services lab is home to more than 20 major analytical instruments and a collection of useful general laboratory equipment in a purpose-built modern laboratory. If you would like to make use of the instruments or for more information please contact Patricia Carry.