Fiona Liao, Gabriel Cowley, Nicole Hussein
(2nd Year Group Project - Hornorable Mention)

After a long and bloody war with the human race which led to the extermination of mankind, alpacas are now the dominant species on Earth. But all is not well in alpacadom. Now used to bloodshed and battles, the alpacas become bored of the peaceful days that have passed since they defeated the humans. With nothing else on Earth powerful enough to challenge them in a fight, they come up with a horrific solution: fighting each other. Welcome to the Alpacalypse.
The game pits two alpacas against each other in various arenas. The game screen is located in a browser, while the players control the two alpacas by using their phones. Multiple players can control the same alpaca, but different parts of it. To win the game, the players must collaborate on movement and attack. Alongside participating in alpaca battles, users are able to customise their individual alpaca, gain achievements, and view a leaderboard of the top players.

A selection of screen shots from the application are shown below:
