Industrial Placement (Part 2)

Module aims

In this module you will work in industry as a fully-paid employee over an extended period of time. The placement gives you the opportunity to put into place the technical, professional and team working skills that you have learnt on your degree course and to develop those skills in an industrial setting.

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this module, you will have demonstrated your ability to:

  • work effectively as part of an industry team under the guidance of an insutrial manager/ mentor
  • manage your schedule of work in order to achieve specified goals correctly and on time
  • apply the knowledge and skills gained in the first three years of your degree in an industrial setting
  • present the technical work done in your industrial placement in a concise manner to a mixed audience
  • exercise scientific writing skills via a succinct report summarising your industrial placement
  • reflect on your placement in respect of professional practice and lessons learnt

Module syllabus

There will be a small number of support lectures which will explain the placement administration systems and give you an opportunity to ask questions. During the placement you will work on a small number of substantial software engineering projects and will be treated as part of the development team at the target company.

Teaching methods

This is an independent placement, that is undertaken with a company. In order to ensure that your placements fall within the remit that is required, all placement opportunities are vetted to ensure that the professional environment and planned work provide adequate opportunity for you to apply the knowledge and skills you have gained in your three years. You will have a manager/ mentor in the company to report to and will be treated as a full-time member of staff. To ensure that the placement is running smoothly, your personal tutor will make a visit to the company and talk to both you as well as your manager/ mentor.    


The assessment is pass/ fail and will not affect your final degree classification. In order to pass you must have (a) completed the placement satisfactorily and (b) produced a short report summarising the work undertaken and reflecting on your experiences with respect to professional practice and lessons learned. The assessment will be undertaken by your personal tutor in consultation with one or more representatives from the company and the module leader, as necessary.

Verbal feedback will be provided by your personal tutor during the placement visit and on your report.